
Oct 18, 2009 16:38

It was such a mess trying to get there. I missed the exit first, so I just took the next one and found every street closed. I ended up just driving around until I finally recognized the parking garage from the back. Turns out it was homecoming and there was a parade going right down Washington. It went right by the Picador, so there were lots of old drunk people screaming and just being all around weird.

Big Shaun - That used to be my nickname to make me feel better about my small stature.
Wooooo stature!
I never realized how sweet the bass parts are, but after seeing it firsthand, I am completely impressed and that's all I listen to when I listen to Straylight now.

Another Word
Mistakes We Knew We Were Making
Ten Ton Shoes
Soon We'll Be Living In The Future
Your Name Here
Big Shot
The Perfect Ending

I was waiting to talk to John after the show and this drunk guy was over there, too. He volunteered to take a picture when the time came, so I gave him my camera and he decided to take some creeper pictures of John talking to other people. Oh, drunk people. Then I went and talked to Will and Shaun, but there wasn't really anything notable about that.

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