This Prov

Oct 21, 2009 13:26

I got there around 5:20. There were only two other girls there and we talked for a bit. Then four more people came 5:45ish. It was just us seven until about six. Then the guy came out and told us doors weren't opening until 6:30 because one of the bands dropped. A lot of people came later then and we told them all what was up. The seven of us just waited and talked and took pictures and whatnot. It was actually pretty fun. They finally let us in a little after 6:30. Then we went upstairs and waited until eight when Danger Is My Middle Name finally played. They were alright. They had fun with it, so that's really all I can ask for. Their guitarist had a Michael Jackson pin on his strap, so that was pretty awesome.

This Providence went on and they were ready to start checking everything. Dan looked at the rest of the band and was just like " what?" then looked to the sound booth and waved. It was the cutest thing ever. So they got that together and the mic cord kept cutting out. The rest of the band was playing random songs, from the Beatles to Violent Femmes. One girl said they should just do an acoustic set and Dan was like "I can't sing louder than those speakers!" Other cutest thing ever. So they eventually got everything sorted out and got on with their set. Dan moves around like crazy on stage. It's super hard to get good pictures of him. David was wearing the pug shirt that Dane had when we went to Ohio. Dan talked about how An Ocean Between is about when he moved here from Australia and all the people he misses. Somebody To Talk To is about his brother because he was in the hospital a lot when he was younger. He talked about how it didn't matter that there weren't many people there and was happy that they would probably be able to meet everyone and that it's all about the music anyway. Seriously, new best friend.

That Girl's A Trick
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
My Beautiful Rescue
Card House Dreamer (?)
Keeping On Without You
Squeaking Wheels & White Lights
Chasing The Wind
Waste Myself
Let Down
An Ocean Between
Somebody To Talk To

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