Leighann, I totally and 100% ganked this from you. Forgive me.
...are plentiful. This is just an example.
Except... I have more than one section in my album. Using a very complex and mind-boggling system, I am going to use pictures from ALL my sub-albums, too. Huzzah!
Oldest picture from my album:
Hell-ooo 10th grade. Or was that 11th? God, what good times.
Most recent:
D'aww. Sarah.
3rd page, 4th picture:
GAH!! Beginning of Guilford amazingness. That's when Julia and I had just met. :D
5th page, 8th picture:
Ahh... ed ferrer. How we miss thee.
Pick your favorite number, go to that page, and put the last picture:
The coming out ball last year. I thought these girls were so lovely.
Add the 2 numbers in your age, go to that page, and pick the 12th picture:
I... have no idea.
Favorite picture in whole album, that isn't a person:
I can't decide between this,
or this.
Favorite picture in whole album that is of yourself:
Favorite picture in album that is of a friend:
It's just... too good.
Click the page that is your birth month, put the 12th picture:
Freshman year yet again. Man.
Add the numbers of your address, put the 6th picture:
St. Augustine.
Page 13, 13th picture:
The view of my cousin's house from their trampoline...erm.
3rd page, funniest picture:
Hence why I love my family.
7th page, most beautiful picture:
The lead singer of mewithoutyou. Ages old.
Well, that was perfectly ludicrous.
Now that I thoroughly feel like an LJ slut...I'm going to bed.