Doctor Who!

Sep 08, 2007 20:24

It's under a cut so that nobody gets spoilt. If I get around to it, a commentary that's NOT composed entirely of gibberish will be posted. (James Morrison + Doctor Who = crazy) This isn't really worth reading unless you feel like shrieking madly.


Now that that's out of my system... =P

First, Cardiff. The appearance of the Millennium Arts Centre incited a flurry of excited Torchwood-related exclamations. (Pity Channel 10 moved Torchwood to their good old 'Big-Brother-ran-overtime-and-knocked-this-show's-ratings-down' slot. We couldn't tape it before, and can't watch or tape it now. D: There's always DVD.)

But since Jack couldn't get inside, and the Doctor tried to run away, we worked out that they weren't going to get into Torchwood. (Pity. I'd like to see the casts interact beyond John)

I admit that, initially, I thought that The Professor was actually Jack. (Blue eyes, similar facial structure... but the fact that Jack doesn't age put paid to that. "You're over 100 years old?" "And lookin' great!") Then came the moment in the room below the rocket, when I started wondering if the radiation could have messed with him.

And finally, as Martha was sprinting down those corridors, it hit me and I went "HOLY CRAP THE MASTER THEMASTERTHEMASTERTHEMASTER!" (Then Alex hit me. =P)

First Daleks, then Cybermen, now the Master. And he's been in the show for ages! Incredible! Was it plotted that way from the outset? Either way, it's pretty cool. =D

Best moments:

Martha hearing about Rose. =P "Oh, she's blonde. Big surprise." Poor Martha. She's in competition with a girl in a different universe.

Jack hitting on everyone he passed. =P Well, almost everyone. The Doctor's reaction.

The entire interaction between the Doctor and Jack.

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