hey, i can draw!
8. last cigarette: wow, i don't even remember! yay!
7. last beverage: coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee
6. last phone call: chris
5. last kiss: 6am today
4. last "good time": all the time?
2. last time you cried: last week sometime maybe? maybe.
1. last meal: le raisin bagel
SEVEN have you:
7. have you ever dated someone twice? noooooo
6. have you ever been cheated on? yes. and i SHOULD have been cheating on him all along!
5. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it? no
4. have you ever fallen in love? yep
3. have you ever been to Europe? nope
2. have you ever been depressed? ok. yes.
1. have you ever had a heartbreak? no. but i have been pissed off before.
SIX things you did in the last three days
6. Went to school: yep
5. Went to work: hahHAH. no
4. Colored: oh, you have no idea.
3. Talked to someone you loved: no, i don't talk to the people i love.
2. Went to a concert: no, but on thursday!! ahhhhhh
1. Hurt yourself: lemme think about this...no.
List Seven people you can trust with anything?:
1. myself
2. myself
3. myself
4. myself
5. myself
6. myself
7. chris?
THIS YEAR...(starting in 07)
Fallen out of love?: no
Laughed until you cried?: yes! and this is very rare. thank you, people on the internet who can't spell or think.
Met someone who changed your life?: umm, not in the last month, no.
Found out who your true friends were?: i think i already knew.
1. Gay marriage?: excited for it to be legal, someday, hopefully before the world ends.
2. Who is the best hugger that you know?: rabbi david castiglione. cuz he MEANS it. hah.
3. Do you believe in love at first sight? eh. why is this always asked?
4. Is there something you want to tell someone? yes. baby jesus: please make it warmer!
5. what kinda shirt are you wearing?: kind OF.
6. How many kids do you want to have?: ugh, so gross. we'll see.
7. Love or Lust?: both, asshole.
8. Do you wanna change your name?: NO
9. What did you do for your last birthday?: partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
10. What time did you wake up today?: 5:45, then 8:15. and now i am asleep again.
11. What were you doing at midnight last night?: sleeping. woohoo
12. Name something you CANNOT wait to do?: FUCKING TAKE A TRIP SOMEWHERE DAMN
13. Last time you saw your father?: in one of my stupid nightmares. nice.
14. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: climate?
15. Which hand do you like better?: the non-burned one that i draw/paint with.
16.What are you listening to right now?: nick cave
17. Have you ever donated money to a good cause?: probably not
18. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back?: geez. yes
19. Who's getting on your nerves right now?: god, the sonofabitch
20. Most visited website?: lately, ebay. i keep losing auctions on hundreds of buttons for $3. there are so many of these auctions, yet i can't seem to win a single one. fucking sneaky bastards on ebay, always outbidding me at the last second. I JUST WANT SUM BUTTONZ
21. Coke or Pepsi?: coke
22. Do you have a crush?: you can probably deduce the answer to this from the previous questions. douche
23. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week?: see above!!
24. Do you disagree with a lot of things going on in the world? i disAPPROVE. but not disagree, no. i generally believe that what is happening, is happening.
25. Do you think there's some models/people out there that should gain a couple pounds?: no i think they should just die of starvation or a drug overdose.
26. Do you enjoy your friendship with your friends?: derrrrrr
27.Who did u copy this from?: liz eiten
28. What do you think of this person?: a bitch and a whore. thats why we're friends.