My father and I haven't spoken since March or April, mostly due to the fact that he was mad at me for 'not telling him' about my marriage, when I distinctly remember calling him the day after (it wasn't thought out very well) and telling him. To add to that, I became mad at him when I found out that he married a woman that I'm sure I've told him on occasion is a terrible woman and I don't like her. Adding insult to injury, they didn't tell anyone; we found out from her facebook page. I promptly unfriended her (I'd only done it in the first place to keep track of him since they were joined at the hip and he doesn't understand social networking sites) and asked my dad what the hell he was thinking. He promptly yelled at me over the phone, and we haven't talked since.
Now to the purpose of this post. My sister graduated from Texas A&M Central Texas with a Bachelor's Degree on the 12th of August. My dad sent her a really nice card with a very nice inscription about our mother and him being really proud of her. And $50, which she appreciated. I was stunned by the action, since she's not his daughter, and has many times expressed her extreme dislike of him for his treatment of our mother, which i won't go into , since it's ill will to speak of the dead.
He sent me a text message tonight, asking if she'd received the card. Our first contact in well over 4 months, and he doesn't even ask how I'm doing, just asks if she got the card. I told him that she hasn't sent out the thank yous yet, but that yes, she'd received and appreciated it. What burns me up is that he hasn't asked how I'm doing, if my husband is okay, and what's going on in my life. I'm his DAUGHTER. And he has more contact with my sister (who definitely isn't his) than he has with me. I admit, I've been angry with him for the past 5+ years for the same reasons my sister is, but he's my DAD. I'm still a Daddy's girl, and it hurts that he doesn't ask me how I am, or anything about my life, that he cares for someone who isn't his blood, and who he had only peripheral raising of, more than he apparently does for me.
I get that he has issues with showing emotion, but he's proved time and again that he's capable of more than disappointment. However, I've only seen negative attention from him since I was 15. I'd like, just once, for him to text me or call me to see how I'm doing. I've been the one, for the past 7 years, that has initiated all emotional contact. I'm tired of it, and I want him to bridge that gap just once. Am I wrong for that? Am I the one in the wrong? I hope not.< /br>