"I feel like I'm so enraged!"

Mar 16, 2005 10:47

I feel like I'm so enraged! everybody has asked why I'm leaving the anime fandom but the answer is simple: Some of you know who you are and why I'm leaving FOREVAR.

I was supposed to get together with xminex and kmeghan this morning but I don't want to anymore. I'm so tired of seeing the same people.

What sucks is that I don't know why missatralissa went all psycho over me and magarettt having a little fun.

And also someone at work found out I was into anime and I think that's why I got fired :-(.

Oh yeah. I went to gaming group with aexia yesterday but the game master is totally playing the NPCs to his own liking. That totally sucked!

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Hey, at least it got the part about me and magarettt right ... *g*
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