"Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good." thought i would try a bible quote!

Dec 28, 2004 22:55

Another update is needed....I had another convo with josh tonight!

Joemamma856: sorry...
Someloseractor86: for what?
Joemamma856: you might get bitched out by a few people
Someloseractor86: why is that?
Joemamma856: i thought i would post our convo on my journal
Someloseractor86: oh
Joemamma856: briggs should've emailed you
Joemamma856: he told me he was
Joemamma856: but idk if he did yet
Someloseractor86: well he didny
Joemamma856: ok
Joemamma856: so did you make any of those phone calls to people who hate me?
Someloseractor86: no i had to work
Joemamma856: i will understand if you don't want to but i would love to know 10 people that "hate" me
Joemamma856: just 10
Joemamma856: not a lot if you ask me
Someloseractor86: lollie, pete franco, meghan. leslie, alise, me, brittany, jessica k., millie, jessica w
Joemamma856: after you i don' know who they are....minus millie
Someloseractor86: sure
Joemamma856: care to give last names?
Someloseractor86: jessica knoop, jessica (i forget her last name but she always with us in the morning and friends with jessica allen), and brittany (junior)
Joemamma856: ok...don't see jessica knopp
Joemamma856: havn't said boo to other jessica
Joemamma856: and brittany....idk any juniors names brittany
Joemamma856: ron want to know why you aren't respondinf to him
Someloseractor86: well they know you
Joemamma856: ok then lets see...I don;t know them
Someloseractor86: well they know you and hate you
Joemamma856: so i should care that they don't like me because of what they have heard from other people that don't like me?
Joemamma856: sorry...you really just made me care even less
Someloseractor86: they hate you from what you've been doing to the rest of us who hate you
Joemamma856: oic
Joemamma856: still don;'t care
Someloseractor86: thats nice
Joemamma856: i thikn so
Joemamma856: wow, that was fun
Someloseractor86: sure
Joemamma856: it took you a while to come up with those names...hope that wasn't "everybody" cause that is pretty pathetic
Joemamma856: ...?
Someloseractor86: oh no that wasnt everyone
Joemamma856: good
Joemamma856: were those the main ones?
Someloseractor86: yeah
Joemamma856: ok
Someloseractor86: but the  theres grayson, nicole boucher, susanna
Someloseractor86: keri, mitch
Joemamma856: any more?
Joemamma856: please continue
Someloseractor86: you only wanted 10
Joemamma856: i know
Someloseractor86: i only do what im told
Joemamma856: but this is fun
Someloseractor86: at first
Joemamma856: what?
Joemamma856: you gave me more then 10 joshy
Joemamma856: hate to inform you of that
Joemamma856: lol
Joemamma856: you seem like you are on a role
Joemamma856: so please feel free to continue
Someloseractor86: i know
Someloseractor86: i forgot i got on a role but then i remembered i past 10
Joemamma856: oic
Joemamma856: or maybe you are running out of people
Someloseractor86: w/e
Joemamma856: i am thinking that is what it is
Joemamma856: but w/e
Someloseractor86: think whatever you want to make urself feel better
Joemamma856: o i do
Joemamma856: otherwise you turn into you
Joemamma856: you base stuff on what other people say
Joemamma856: nothign?

Alabama State Representative Gerald Allen (R).

Rep. Allen is being named as The Retard of the Month because of his bill to ban books from libraries that promote the "homosexual agenda" and for his cosponsorship of a bill that would allow the teaching of creationism in public schools.

The Birmingham News reported that Rep Gerald Allen wants to ban novels with gay characters from public libraries, including university libraries.

A bill by Rep. Gerald Allen, R-Cottondale, bill would prohibit the use of public funds for "the purchase of textbooks or library materials that recognize or promote homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle." Allen said he filed the bill to protect children from the "homosexual agenda."

"Our culture, how we know it today, is under attack from every angle," Allen said in a press conference Tuesday.

Allen said that if his bill passes, novels with gay protagonists and college textbooks that suggest homosexuality is natural would have to be removed from library shelves and destroyed.

"I guess we dig a big hole and dump them in and bury them," he said.

Allen pre-filed his bill in advance of the 2005 legislative session, which begins Feb. 1.

If the bill became law, public school textbooks could not present homosexuality as a genetic trait and public libraries couldn't offer books with gay or bisexual characters.

When asked about Tennessee Williams' southern classic "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof," Allen said the play probably couldn't be performed by university theater groups.

Allen said no state funds should be used to pay for materials that foster homosexuality. He said that would include nonfiction books that suggest homosexuality is acceptable and fiction novels with gay characters. While that would ban books like "Heather has Two Mommies," it could also include classic and popular novels with gay characters such as "The Color Purple," "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and "Brideshead Revisted."

The bill also would ban materials that recognize or promote a lifestyle or actions prohibited by the sodomy and sexual misconduct laws of Alabama. Allen said that meant books with heterosexual couples committing those acts likely would be banned, too.

His bill also would prohibit a teacher from handing out materials or bringing in a classroom speaker who suggested homosexuality was OK, he said.

Rep. Gerald Allen also cosponsored a bill (Alabama's HB391) which explicitly allows the teaching of "creationism" in public schools even though there is no scientific theory of "creationism" and that nearly all legitimate scientific organizations have directly contradicted this nonsense about "creationism" being a valid scientific theory.

The Alabama Sate web site has a brief biography of Rep. Gerald Allen and it says that Allen is a Deacon for Gilgal Baptist Church.  It is probably his absurd religious beliefs that caused him to engage in his vile and disgusting homo-hating crusade.

The state of Alabama currently has one of the worst education systems in the US and Rep. Gerald Allen's attempt to cripple science education by allowing the teaching of the religious pseudo-science "creationism" could only make Alabama the laughing stock of the world.

Because of Rep. Gerald Allen's extreme stupidity combined with his religiously induced hate mongering, I Joe Clark is not only naming Gerald Allen as the December 2004 Retard of the Month, I am also asking for his resignation from the Alabama state legislature!
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