jon&ryan's mutual adoration: A Manifesto

Mar 16, 2008 00:39

Congratulations, you have found yourself at the pairing manifesto for Ryan/Jon. It is named for the user interest of the delightful untappedbeauty.

The Players

This little fountain of ridiculousness is Ryan Ross.

Perversely, so is this.

This, on the other hand, is Jon Walker.

So is this.

Jon has resisted change. It was touch-and-go for a while there in the middle, but he's held up admirably well.

They are, as I assume you already know if you're reading this post, in a band called Panic at the Disco. That's right, no exclamation mark. Suck it.

Background etc

Under the bright lights of Las Vegas, Ryan Ross and bff Spencer Smith start a band. That doesn't work out. So they start another one. That one works better, especially once bassist Brent Wilson brings in tiny energetic Mormon Brendon Urie to sing lead vocals. Ryan passes their songs to Pete Wentz, bassist/lyricist/frontman/head emo of Fall Out Boy, who heads out to Vegas to meet them.

Pete signs Panic, they record their album and are sent out on tour with brand new labelmates The Academy Is... This is an important step in the journey, because The Academy Is... recognised the supreme awesome that is Jon Walker and took him out with them to act as guitar tech and cameraman and Purveyor of Awesome.

While one tour with TAI, Brent stopped coming to rehearsals and Panic got Jon to fill in for him. Eventually, Brent left for good and Jon was formally adopted. Or, as William Beckett likes to put it, 'Ryan Rossy stole him.' To quote someone wittier than I, if you tell me Ryan Ross(y) did not steal Jon Walker with sex, I will call you a liar.

Ryan/Jon v1.0

Ryan/Jon is a pairing which has gained a lot of popularity lately. I'm stoked about that, honestly, completely stoked, but I want to take this opportunity to point out that it's been there all along.

Advance warning, this manifesto will likely include lots of conjecturing on my part about boys I've never met. Starting with:

Ryan Ross let Jon Walker in his band. Now, I know it's not just his band and that they were kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, but for me, Panic seemed like Ryan's attempt to get out of Vegas. Brent left at a time which could have been catastrophic for the band. But they didn't implode, because Jon came. Jon saved Ryan's band! Now go write fic where Ryan thanks him with blowjobs.

I don't know, the thing about Ryan/Jon v1.0 is that Ryan always seemed kind of wound up. Like he was always closed in and tight and then Jon came along with his flip flops and his camera and the opposition there is just gorgeous. Ryan lets Jon past his massively high barriers! Jon could help Ryan relax! And he did, once we get to v2.0.

Oh, one more thing about Ryan being all tightly wound control freak - Ryan Ross tops, y/mfy?

Anyway! Less conjecture, more pictures. How about the fact that right from the beginning, Ryan and Jon have been sitting practically in each others laps?

(There's a lot of space there they could be using, I'm just saying.)

Once more, in close up:

Right from the start, Ryan was using Jon as some sort of leaning post.

Right from the start, they've been wearing freaking sunglasses that make them look like bugs.

Right from the start, they've been reading children's books together.

This photo is for real my favourite of these two. I DO NOT KNOW WHY.

Here is a photo of Jon hanging all over Ryan.

(If you give me the link to the clip this is from, I will probably accost you over the internet. You'll enjoy it, honest.)

Jon has a certain predilection for hanging all over people.

I approve.

Once Ryan convinced Jon to join his band, he made a few attempts to get Jon to coincide with some of his bolder fashion choices.

Here is Jon in Ryan's favourite scarf-and-fingerless-gloves combo.

Here is Jon in eyeliner.

Jon doesn't mind because he loves Ryan.

Here is Jon looking UTTERLY RIDIC in Ryan's hat JON WALKER HOW ARE YOU REAL?

Ryan decided he was fed up with wearing enough flowers for his whole band.

So he made Jon wear some too.

Early(-ish) Ryan and Jon were also fond of holding each others faces.

And taking ridiculous photos with Joe Trohman.

This photo reminds me of, like, an old-fashioned family portrait where the husbands stand while their wives sit.

Oh, that reminds me! You know what goes great with Ryan/Jon? Brendon/Spencer. Just saying.

Sometimes Ryan and Jon go out on the town together.

Jon likes to put his arm around Ryan when this happens.

In this photo, Jon is trying to warn Ryan about the evil Pete Wentz.

Don't worry, Ryan! Jon will protect you!

Before I move on, I would like us all to consider this photo. This photo is usually viewed from as advocating Spencer/Jon, I know, but I would like to take a moment to interrogate it from another perspective.

Please note how Ryan's leg is pressed against Jon's side and his hand is brushing very, very high up Jon's leg. Mmmm.

Ryan/Jon v1.0 - The stage gay

It wasn't scripted in, but they had their moments anyway. Moments involving Ryan on his knees.

Fearfully, I don't foresee much stage gay from anyone this tour, because they'll all need to be behind their mics.

Ryan/Jon v2.0
(aka the version to which people started paying attention \o/)

I also once heard this (in a fic? I forget.) described as Ryan's latent mancrush on Jon. \o/

This version of Ryan and Jon like to go out on the town together. By which I mean, shopping!

Look at this picture, okay, they are precious mcprecious faces.

One of my favourite Ryan icons is his face there. And you, you just keep on trucking, JWalk.

It was around this time, you may have noticed, that Jon stopped taking Ryan's fashion advice and instead passed on some of his own i.e. Ryan Ross turns into a Real Boy.

Here is an incredibly hot photo of them practising for the VMAs.

Ryan's boyness comes and goes. This series of photos, for instance, features Jon Walker treating his lady friend to a night at the playboy club.

Please note how high Jon's hand is. He is copping a feel.

Ryan is so coy in this photo, LIKE A COY LADY. He delights me enough that I can ignore Jon Walker: Mountain Man.

This is a random photo that I've included because it features Jon and Ryan looking longingly at each other while Brendon sits in the middle going, 'Whoa, whoa, guys. I'm sat right here.' All in deeply ugly clothing.

This is another group shot, included because Ryan and Jon are approximately 78% closer to each other than anyone else in the photo.

But then everyone likes to touch Jon Walker. His whole band want to be in constant physical contact with him.

Okay, now seriously. One of my favourite things about this pairing recently is when they talk about the music. Because oh my God, you guys! Have you heard them gush at each other about their new album?

This is my all time favourite interview for it:

image Click to view

At around 2.10, Ryan starts talking about the new record. It's different because Jon is on it, you guys. Because Jon is so enthusiastic about the music and they would bounce ideas off each other and Ryan and Jon wrote a lot of songs together!

There was this one time when Jon wrote the melody to Northern Downpour,

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and Ryan loved it so much, he wouldn't let Jon change it. Because Jon is just so wonderful, yo.

Here is another, not particularly awesome quality video where Ryan gushes about Jon. (Bonus Brendon bigging up Jon and burning Brent.)

I want everyone to write a million stories about Ryan and Jon writing songs together, sharing journals and passing a guitar between them. Look at them being all focussed in the studio in the background here.

They cannot hide their love for each other. Observe the look they give each other at around .30 here, when Jon says it 'kinda' looks like Ryan:

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I'm going to include the interview they did on The Sauce:

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because around 2.30-3.00 when they're playing telephone...okay, this is me being mindlessly shallow. I like the visual of Jon and Ryan leaning in to each other and whispering in each others ear *unrepentant* Also, we do not know what Ryan said to Jon when he...returned the telephone? I don't even know what you would call that (apparently, not Chinese Whispers in the States.) WHATEVER, HE WAS TOTALLY TALKING DIRTY TO JON ON TV, YOU SAW IT TOO, RIGHT?

Jon doesn't like to hide it from the world. He likes to do interviews with wherein he states that:

Walker: I slept with Ryan in a twin bed less than two months ago! It was the most comfortable sleep I've ever had.

I kind of...don't think he's joking. Like, even without sex or anything, I totally see this happening.

Their mutual adoration is completely obvious in recent interviews. Take those ones they did for

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Like, seriously, they can't stop staring at each other. And they find each other so hilariously funny. And they can't stop staring.

Oh, and there's that infamous backyard again.

When I watch this interview:

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I am consumed with love at the amount that Ryan looks to Jon for approval. Every time he makes a joke, he turns to Jon as if all, 'Jon, Jon, did you see what I did, Jon, I made a funny.' And Jon totally validates him! Everything is funny to Jon! So funny he falls off the sofa.

Which brings me to...sniff. Go on. Can't you smell it through your computer screens? That pungent whiff of...what is it they're smoking?

Ryan/Jon v2.0 have a little difficulty keeping their eyes open.

I make no editorial comment on this. Just that stoner sex should be written way more. Get on that, fandom.


A tedious argument of insidious intent by violentfires
The premise is faintly absurd but it has kissing! Kissing and a very devious Ryan Ross.

and forget that we'd ever met (and what did or did not occur) by jocondite
So this is the first Jon/Ryan fic I ever read and I think it's pretty much responsible for how much I love it. It's three AUs focussing on Jon with each of the other guys. Jon/Ryan is section two and I love it like burning. 504 Plan got big and Ryan is a fanboy. You know this is practically what happened. Read it all though.

Heart's Desire by voltagecity
Completely silly little fic which is nonetheless adorable.

connect the dots by turnyourankle
Porn \o/ Written in the bottom!Jon meme. Like I said, Ryan Ross tops, mfy!

We say it is ideal by torturemysoul
Ryan/Jon v2.0. This is kind of exactly the sort of Ryan/Jon I hope people would start writing.

Map of the Problematique by themoononastick
In which Jon has a thing about Ryan's hands. No seriously, handkink adslkjfha.

the first rule of broom-wielding by skoosiepants
Ryan/Jon is only one of about 587239 pairings in this, but it's still a pretty cool AU idea.

That Lefty Curse by jae_w
This also features Ryan Ross' twin/the entirety of TAI. My favourite bits are the first section and the house party. Links at the bottom.

[I Will Destroy Ryan Ross and All That He Loves: A Cautionary Tale] by jae_w
This is cheating, since the Ryan/Jon is marginal here, but the story is hilarious and the Ryan/Jon is equally so and also sweet like sugar cubes.

There are also seemingly a lot of GSF which focus on the Jon/Ryan dynamic. idk, maybe they work better in an orgy? I will read it any way you give it to me! These are all GSF with an emphasis on Jon/Ryan.

Sweeter Than Candy, Better Than Cake by jzbell
It's so fluffy it's about to fly away. I love it.

Still Places I Haven't Been by quettaser
I would read outsider!Jon fics for days. This one has a particularly gorgeous interpretation of their relationship.

Burn up in love, love, love by dsudis
It's quite strongly GSF, but the Ryan/Jon dynamics make me happy in my soul (I may have mentioned it, but Ryan motherfucking Ross topping!)

We Started From by untappedbeauty
Only my favourite Panic GSF in the history of ever. Not only for the Ryan/Jon! Though those parts are intensely awesome.

And two semi-recs of stoner-fic chatporn type things between foxxcub and txtequilanights here and disarm_d and warmingweather here.

Now go forth and multiply those fics.

And so with that, it's goodbye from Jon.

And it's goodbye from Ryan.

And goodbye from me ♥

jon walker/ryan ross, manifesto

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