Here are the rest of the prompts. I'll be adding names and fic/art next to the claim, so people know what is taken. A full list will be posted after the 8th.
Fall Out Boy
FOB, GSF, van days
do_come_in (fanfic)
Fall Out Boy, Patrick, Pete, Joe, Andy (or any combination of the four), touring by van, ZOMBIES!
kaizoku (fanfic),
deani_bean (fanart)
FOB, Pete, Use the song "That's Okay" by The Hush Sound as your prompt.
Fall Out Boy, Joe/Patrick, jailbait
FOB, Joe/Andy, unrequited
FOB, Andy/Patrick, "I know you"
echelon_ga_l (fanart)
FOB, Pete/Andy, dogs
FOB/???, Patrick/anyone, in the studio
pyraterose (fanfic)
Fall Out Boy, Patrick/Pete, Clones
thinkme_naive (fanfic)
FOB, Pete/Patrick, Star Wars
clippedwings (fanfic)
FOB, Pete/Patrick, keeping warm
firedragon9 (fanfic)
Fall Out Boy, Patrick/Pete, cold feet (literally or figuratively)
trylohbyte (fanfic)
Fall Out Boy, Pete/Patrick, pirates
Fall Out Boy, Pete/Patrick, working in an office
My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance, Gen or pairing of any combination, the making of The Black Parade
MCR, GSF, party
My Chemical Romance, Bob/Frank, Scars and stories
MCR, Frank/Bob, drumming lessons
MCR, Bob/Ray, background
MCR, Bob/Gerard, sick
zephyrina (fanfic)
MCR, Frank/Gerard, anything goes
My Chemical Romance, Frank/Gerard, uniforms are sexy
boi4eliza (fanfic)
MCR, Gerard/Mikey, fighting from tension about getting caught.
MCR, Frank/Ray, date
MCR, Ray/Mikey, glasses
Panic At The Disco
PATD, GSF, flowers
PATD, Ryan/author's choice, gambling I think this one's interesting because no-one ever writes about how Ryan gambles a lot. It could be crack (ricockulous bets), it could be smut (loses a bet and pays the price) it could be angst (addiction runs in the family).
itsxthexgirl (fanfic)
Panic at the Disco, Pairing Optional, Candles/Wax, Jon/Spencer, weddings
Panic! At The Disco, Jon/Brendan, rhythm and melody
kwalktown (fanfic)
Panic at the Disco, Brendon/Jon, post office
PATD, Spencer/Brendon, angry
oh_libby (fanfic)
PATD, Ryan/Brendon, guns
PATD, Ryan/Jon, naked Ryhawk-era Ryan riding (clothed) Jon's fingers.
PATD, Ryan/Jon, new