This rant is about 'Vampire Knight' anime....
MAGORE SPOILERS!!! you has been warned ^_^
Now I know it's been out for ages, and tbh. I put it off cos I thought it was just another crappy Shojo story that would be boring with a dull teen angsty girl who I would just want to kill, and for her two love rivals to console each other instead. (lets
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But I did start reading the manga, but I got a little bored cos the 1st season follows it almost to the letter. (which is a good thing, but sometimes it's bad too)
The 2nd season leaves it where the school's got trashed and Yuuki buggers off with her 'brother' Kaname (I'm still not sure if they are sib's or not, the anime fan sub was a little unclear on that point :S)... and that is where it ends. with Zero saying he's going to hunt her down and kill her, or her him....
So, does the manga go past this point?
Also... the anime is very sparkaly too. the animators took out the "has their faces sliped down? or do they have baloons under their hair?" question ^_^ tehe
Yes!! You're missing out on a lot - so much delicious backstory! X3 The Yuki/Zero relationship gets a lot more complex as well; I've just finished the latest volume (vol. 15) and can't wait for the next installment to find out what Kaname's up to! (Tease? Me? >:) )
On a totally separate note, I've been going through the pretties on your Bohra Naono website and wondered if you scanned the whole of the 'Tiger' story from 'Desire Boy'? I'm quite keen to see the rest of it and maybe have a go at translating too.
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