Happy Mother's Day, Part III.

May 10, 2013 21:11

16. 12/12/2010, 6.19pm-

So this happened quite sometime ago,
But despite that, your failing memory and the fact that we've been to Phuket more times than I can count,
I'm very sure that you'll be able to remember this particular trip,

Coke in bottles,

I know I said I never drink fizzy drinks,
But there really is nothing else for me to drink.
Well, there is, but that experience turned out quite badly, as I will elaborate on further later on, so,



Every time I had a bottle of Coke,
I'd never fail to burp,
And straight in my Mom's face, at that.
I think she was glad when we returned home to Singapore because that would mean I would stop drinking Coke and start having better table manners,
Only to have my brother burp in her face over lunch.
And if you're wondering why my brother and I aren't up for adoption yet,
It's only a matter of time, my friends,
Only a matter of time.

Ugly mannequins which my Mom couldn't stop going on about as if it were a real human being that was alive and breathing,
(Note the mended neck)

So, Mom-
Do you miss her?
Because I sure remember how much you loved her.
As if taking a photo of it wasn't bad enough,
You even wanted to change your profile picture on Facebook to it...

Our favorite massage place which has since closed down... :(

Of course,
The part you've been waiting for...

17. 30/05/2010, 6.59pm-

So I was watching 90210
(Don't judge me; Everyone needs their dose of stupidity every once in awhile);
While my Mom was helping me mend the tears in my pinafore,
Seeing as I cannot sew to save my life,
When she suddenly went-

"You had better not fail your O-Levels-"

And I thought that I was going to get lectured for watching 90210 less than 24 hours before I take my Chinese O's,
(But in my defence, it was only one episode, and hence only one of the twenty-four hours of my Sunday),
But she finished her sentence with:

"Your pinafore is not going to survive another year if you have to retake them."

I might have to waste a year repeating my last year of Secondary School and all she's concerned about is whether or not she has to buy me a new pinafore.


I don't know how much of that you can actually remember,
But I hope that reading that made you smile,
Even though most of them were... making fun of you.
Sheepish smile.

(But then again,
When it comes to me,
You can be sure I love you only when I make fun of you).


I'm sure you already know how much I love you,
And I'm sure that you love me as much too even though I like to annoy you quite a bit,

(For instance- Making you take me out to eat expensive food, making you bring expensive food that can only be found in Singapore to Malaysia whenever you visit, stealing your makeup remover, never failing to complain about school an average of five times a day, making fun of your age, and... Okay, I doubt you want me to go on).

And I just wanted you to know that I will still love you even though

You used to be Nokia's #1 fan,

You keep stealing my clothes,
(I never saw that top again, by the way)

You used to wear weird shoes,

I will say this once and only once-
You have a nicer body than I do.

(Don't ask me why I have so many pictures of you on my laptop;
I'm pretty sure you made me take three quarters of them).

What I'm trying to say is that I will love you no matter what,
(Which means a lot, coming from me, seeing as I rarely tell people I love them, much less "no matter what"),
And I hope you liked reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it together,
Even though it sure wasn't easy choosing only 17 from the many times I've blogged about you.

Maybe someday you'll get to read everything's that on it.

But till then-

Happy Mother's Day.

Here's to many more blog posts about you (and I) because I know you're going to live a very long life (because you can't bear to leave me on this planet, all alone).

I'll see you in 21 days,
And I will officially be home in 44.
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