banik's Halloween party:
_aeryn_sun dressed as the Governor of Idaho.
_scorpius dressed as a zombie.
alien_oracle dressed as something reversible, but what,
specifically, you can't tell, though it looked more like the Twin
Power Ranger.
calculatedsmirk dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan,
Profound Leader.
captain_braca dressed as a pixie.
comradecally didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
crais dressed as a catcher for the Orioles.
daynamellanby dressed as Marilyn Manson.
del_tarrant dressed as a noose.
dogavon dressed as Madonna.
galaxygab dressed as the Intelligent Power Ranger.
harvey1 gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed
as the Duke of Accelepifas.
inbigtrouble dressed as the King of Jamaica.
jarriere dressed as Osama bin Laden.
john__crichton gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges
dressed as Andrew Jackson.
kaarn_baniks dressed as a new superhero: Bionic Girl.
kerr_avon dressed as a disturbing self-made character called
"Skipper Tofubrains".
kerrill dressed as a member of Van Halen.
londo_mollari dressed as a slippery zombie.
lt_teeg dressed as a Level 11 bard.
mr_moley dressed as Optimus Prime.
pilotmoya dressed as someone who just had sex.
pixie_viscera dressed as a camel.
roj_blake dressed as a Care Bear.
soolin dressed as a burial.
stannis dressed as a can of Mountain Dew.
superior_system dressed as the Archbishop of Sumner.
tyce dressed as Woodrow Wilson.
vila_restal dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own
conjoined Ashley.
vir_cotto_tm dressed as a stupid universe.
Throw your own party at the
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