Snitches (I have tons of these so order away)
Luna's Snitch Necklace on etsy for $17.50 / on you for $15
Hermione's Snitch Necklace on etsy for $18.50 / on you for $15
Fleur's Snitch Necklace on etsy for you $21 / on you for $17
ok enough of those fucking snitches right, heres some new shit:
Flying Fuck Necklace on etsy for $17.50 / on you for $15 (unlimited amounts of these can be made)
FLYING KEY NECKLACe! (this is limited edish girls!)
$15 each
Sparkly Painting Trio - $40 Or best offer! This is a set of three 5"x7" paintings. ACEO, only one set available.
Sassy Necklaces:
$12 each
paypal address is
Shipping is included in all of the prices in this comment. Visit my etsy store for TONS more jewelry and magnets and stuff, including all of these glorious items: if you order anything directly from my etsy store, comment here and tell me your username or include a message that you are a sassy and i will refund you the shipping costs!!!!!
if you order anything from the store that i've listed here at a special price, once again just mention you're sassy and i'll adjust the price accordingly and refund you the excess!!!
I have 128 positive feedback on etsy, check that out yo. everything is already made / mostly packaged.. i will ship on MONDAY first class mail for anything bought today.
thanks beauties