Yeah, usually that's me. But sometimes they drop them off after hours, when no one is there. And for the most part that's when the problems come in cause they're getting the idea that I will refuse and tell them to get out of my building with the body. They usually argue with me because I look young and am female. I don't care frankly, and have been known to get VERY polite with them.
Sometimes when they're fresh and the weather is warm. I've had them groan and fart at me plenty, and once had one sort of sit up in the back of the van when I was driving (gas build up in the stomach). Freaked me the fuck out, let me tell you. but mostly they don't move unless I move them.....
Comments 6
Stay warm
I was reading something about rigor mortis the other day and the page linked to something about muscle spasms after death, it was really interesting.
LOL @ farting, I didn't know you still poot when dead. Guess you learn something new every day :p
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