First Best Friend: Enza Rella
First Crush: some kid named Micheal
First Real Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Can't really say i've had an actual relationship
First Date: I don't think i've ever gone on an actual "date"
First Kiss: Kyle Bowman, but that wasn't like a REAL kiss
First Album/CD: Much Dance 2000
First Piercing/Tattoo: ears
First Love: ...
First Enemy: Kelly I guess?
First Time Dyeing My Hair: well i semi-permanent dyed it last summer
First Formal Dance: wha..
First Time Breaking A Bone: never
First Time Getting Really Sick: when I had appendicitus
Last Cuss Word Uttered: "what the fuck!?!" (when i broke something in the fridge)
Last Compliment: "Diana, have you lost weight?" Lol Eric
Last Crush: ...Duff lol
Last Time Driving: end of December
Last Big Car Ride: 2 summers ago, when i went to
Last Kiss: summer 04...kissing the neck counts, doesnt it? lol
Last Good Cry: in october
Last Phone Call: my mom
Last Thing Written: "sandwich (poulet)"
Last Show Watched: Much Videoflow
Last Time Showered: this morning
Last Shoes Worn: my DC shoes
Last Person That You Saw Naked Besides You: LOL!!! don't wanna say....
Last CD Played: Blink-182
Last Item Bought: chips
Last Disappointment: finding out it was snowing outside
Last Annoyance: when Terry was rambling on and on as I was trying to EAT
Last Song You Heard: Lovers and Friends - Usher, Lil' John, Ludacris
Last Piercing/Tattoo: 1 more on each ear
In the last 24 hours have you...
1. Cried?: no
2. Bought something?: no
3. Gotten sick?: meh
4. Sang?: yeah
5. Eaten?: yup
6. Been kissed?: nope
7. Felt stupid?: LOL yeah...krista knows..
8. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't?: uh, no?
9. Met someone new?: no
10. Moved on?: ...
11. Talk to an ex?: nno
12. Missed an ex?: no
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on?: ur making me blush! lol
14. Had a serious talk?: no
15. Missed someone?: ah what the hell, yeah
16. Hugged someone?: nope
17. Fought with your parents?: nope
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with?: no
social life
1. Best girl friend: Marie-Anne..AND Steph
2. Best guy friend: there's too many to just choose 1 lol
3. Boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
4. If no, current dating partner: ZEERO
5. Hobbies: listning to muzack
6. Pager: none
7. Are you center of attention or the wallflower?: Both actually
8. What type automobile do you drive?: fuck i dont drive
9. What type automobile do you wish you drove?: anything
10. Would you rather be with friends or on a date?: a DOUBLE date, cuz u get both
11. Where is the best hangout?: movie theatre! iuno
12. Do you have a job?: no
14. Do you like being around people?: if i like them, yes..obviously
1. Who is your role model?: i don't have one
2. What are some of your pet peeves?: when people give me bad subliminal messages
3. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: Yeah LOL
4. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?: oh god yeah
5. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?: the talkative funny ones
6. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s)?: shit happens
7. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you?: Haha, yeah
8. Would you rather dump someone or get dumped?: it depends on the situation
10. Do you want someone want him right here beside don't have right now?: that question was badly typed
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?: *shrugs*
12. Do you want to get married?: yes
13. Do you want kids?: yes
14. Do you believe in psychics?: ...yeah, to a certain extent
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time?: NO lol
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance?: smile
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being?: I'm occasionally good at spreading happiness, when i'm happy.
18. Are you happy with you?: well, i'm not unhappy
19. Are you happy with your life?: not really..
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be?: I would make my dad come back, but he'd be different, and both parents would have good paying jobs, which would be more money for me, which equals a CAR...first i need my liscence though.. lol