Title: Something Different Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Himchan/Junhong Warnings: Blowjob, rimming, anal fingering Summary: Junhong decided he's ready to try being the bottom for the first time. Words: 1.8k
This was very good. This might be the most difficult of pairings for me. Somehow I couldn't see those two together no matter how they interacted. I am happy to say you did a great job of changing my mind. Very nice, slow and steady. Felt truer with him fluctuating between wanting and close to obtaining. There's always that nervousness and niggling doubt and you kept that which I liked. Kudos, which I left on AO3. Thanks.
Oh my! I'm so sorry I didn't realize you commented!! And thank you so much, it means a lot =) I'm picky as well when it comes to pairings so I understand how you feel, haha! I'm glad I could change your mind and that you liked it;D
Comments 2
And thank you so much, it means a lot =) I'm picky as well when it comes to pairings so I understand how you feel, haha! I'm glad I could change your mind and that you liked it;D
Xx ♡♡
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