I don't wanna go...

Jan 24, 2007 17:56

I have to go to CLAIT I don't wanna go...

Have to do my M$ Access 'assessment'...

*digs out canned fizzy sugary caffeine*

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Comments 8

hieroglyphe January 24 2007, 18:28:59 UTC
Best of luck in your battle against Microsoft!


barakta January 24 2007, 21:06:17 UTC
I ended up redoing last session's sample assignment to fix EVERYTHING which was broken cos Microsoft's nondeterministic software design.

I hate wizards, I hate design view and it's pernickity fiddlage, and I really hate things which mess with my data without asking, or even telling me it is doing it.



witherwings January 24 2007, 18:56:45 UTC
At least you get a qualification out of it I guess. Come home and beat windows with a stick to make you feel better after...or just hug *nix and MacOS lots ;)


barakta January 24 2007, 21:04:08 UTC
Ubuntu is my friend. Even Open Office behaves better than MS Office...

Today I redid my sample assignment from 2 weeks ago having learned that step 4 of report making wizard UNDOES and JIBBLES the layout explicitly laid out in step 1... Which fucking wanker designed and indeed wrote such a nondeterministic piece of shit.

What is the point of a wizard which fucks with your data so you have to jibble it all in design view anyway.

I'm not sure I want an M$ qualification cos I don't want to use M$ it makes me too angry!

*kill stab stab kill*

*kimble made me tea on arrival at home... I am a lot calmer now...*


palfrey January 24 2007, 23:24:10 UTC
Best of luck! Personally, I haven't used Access in over a decade and I plan on keeping it that way....


barakta January 24 2007, 23:37:50 UTC
Oh hello you.

Well I hadn't used Access before at all having never needed to - I avoided other M$ things too where possible. I made a bad attempt at MySQL for my database design courses at uni.

I can't see myself willingly using Access after this course - in fact I don't know if I want an M$ qualification when I HATE their software so much.


fruit_boy February 27 2007, 08:39:42 UTC
Hey you.....



haggis June 8 2007, 19:06:21 UTC
Hello! I've just friended you and I thought I'd introduce myself. I met you at London Bifest (and briefly at Manchester Bifest). I am the round one with red hair who was down from Manchester with Softfruit.


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