Cold, cold, cold. It's bloody cold today. Had to put the heating back on, and my hands and feet are like little blocks of ice. Still, Alexa came round with the CAR! so I have been out of the flat and seen large amounts of south London, which is... not often pleasant, but is when you've been stuck inside for too long
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Comments 4
Actually I'd leave out the "The pain isn't that bad" phrase but keep the "a couple of painkillers bring it to a bearable level" since that's seems like useful information. Definitely keep the "profound discomfort" phrase, and let them know "there isn't anything that helps with feeling itchy and crawly and pins and needle-y."
Good luck!
here's hoping you are successful!
*raises eyebrow* That could be a reaction to a drug intolerance. I get a milder version of it if I take too much paracetamol, and one of my housemates got it a while ago on a prescription drug that didn't agree with him.
I feel like that all the time... i really wish i could get normal skin...
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