I'm hacking down my lj. Seriously, don't be offended if I unfriend you, I'm unfriending most if not all people, it's not a friendship thing, its a something-else thing. I'm pretty much gearing down.
hey anna, when you're in scotland, is there anything you need that you can't find over there..miss anything "american"?? i ask because my friend is moving to scotland and i want to get him something before he goes away so i figured best to ask you.. thanks, grillfriend!
i'm not exactly sure..but he'll be there for school...and yeah, he's pretty stoked!! i just wish i could think of something he'd really need out there but can't find but generally things are pretty similar out there, no? he doesn't drink and probably won't need teeth bleaching stuff...can you think of anything else??
OH actually, the region on dvd players are different, so unless you have a UK computer you cant watch any UK dvds on them. If he's bringing a US computer, or if he's gonna switch to region 1 you might wanna get him some US dvds...
Comments 8
i will cut you. and i mean that in the ghetto sense of the word.
Also, I like reading about your Scottish exploitz!!1 :D
because i killed a butterfly with my car yesterday. and you would be proud.
thanks, grillfriend!
Where in Scotland is he moving?? Thats sick!
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