
Jun 10, 2005 08:57

Went to the Pixes last night. Maybe I am getting to old for this shit. The people at the show were moshing to the pixies. I can understand moshing to bands like Pantera,Metallica and Nine Inch Nails but to the Pixes. They did a good set but I liked the one they did in Seattle better. As far as the opening band they get kudos for doing Nena Simone. ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

pressmaster June 10 2005, 15:34:00 UTC
We went to Creed and fucking Fuel and people were moshing. I'm like yo this is a Christian band for Christ's sake, you gotta be kidding me. Anything in Seattle is better, I love that place.


barbershopguy June 10 2005, 15:46:44 UTC
I really like seattle also there is a cool bar called the 5 point it has good biscuts and gravy. The pixies had a better set in Seattle. Saw them at bumpershoot


satannish June 10 2005, 15:57:06 UTC
I've wanted to go to Seattle for a long time which probably stems from my first real (i.e. warm-in-the-bathing-suit-area) crush on Eddie Vedder.

I wanted to go to the Pixies last night but it was last minute and I was tired and skipped it.


gigglefaerie June 10 2005, 16:48:56 UTC
I'll go to Seattle with you. In a fucking heartbeat!


satannish June 10 2005, 15:58:29 UTC
Psst...it's "nina" simone


barbershopguy June 10 2005, 16:07:34 UTC
The sad thing is I own a nina simone album I bought it initially for sugar in my bowl. Also I wrote the journal entry twice and I think I spelled it right the first time that I wrote it.


barbershopguy June 10 2005, 16:34:58 UTC
I liked eddie vedder in the beginning then it seemed like he got less intelligent and less able to hold conversation.


satannish June 10 2005, 19:37:14 UTC
Yeah, he was drinking for a few years and turned into "Mumbles" from Dick Tracy!


pressmaster June 10 2005, 19:35:47 UTC
Eddie works at the Pike's Place Market...I love that place. My aunt lives in Seattle and we went there last year. The place totally kicks ass, is clean as all hell, has a huge gay/anyhting goes population and is the most happening place in the Us (well not filled with Barbie dolls and prententious assholes)


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