(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 12:47

YAY i get to see korie today! mm i missss herrr!!

and then maybe stephanie and jenny YAY

1. First name: kelly

2. Middle name: marie

3. Nickname: korie calls me pooper

4. Gender: female

5. Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither

6. Is your hair long or short? long

7. Where were you born? thousand oaks

8. Current location: thousand oaks

9. Zodiac sign: sagiterius

10. Chinese Zodiac symbol: snake

11. How many languages do you know? english and spanish

12. Nationality:  COCKASIAN..lol white, half italian, cuarer irish, cuarter enlglish

13. Write a full physical description of yourself: 5"4, long blonde hair, golden brown eyes, bracless straight teeth, and umm tan

14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?? i die when i see spiders..its a deadly disease of aracnaphobia

15. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?  haha yes who doesnt, annoying habbit of biting my nails and um cracking my nuckles

16. What does your voice sound like? umm

17. Ready for a bunch more questions? yeah


18. Saying: you have a butterface

19. Sport: water sports

20. Vegetable: avacado

22. Magazine: teen people

23. Actor: JIM CAREY

24. Actress: Eva Longoria

25. Candy: ring pop..watermellon

26. Candy bar: snickers

27. Ice cream flavor: cookie dough

28. Thing in your room: bed,desk, tv,computer, fone,sterio,PITURES everywhere, my closet/ normal shit

29. Place to be: out partying

30. Junk food: mcdanolds

31. Store: no 1 favorite

32. Fast food: mcdanolds

33. Restaurant: bjs

34. Time of day: night

35. Country: US caz thats the only place ive been

36. State: california or hawaii

37. Old video game: mario HECK YES

38. Board game: not monoply

39. Computer game: SIMS

40. Car: 325CI convertible BMW....Lexus LS 300

41. Music video: no one favorite

43. Month: july or december

44. Cartoon character: tweety bird! or tinker bell

45. Scary movie: ring

46. Possession: life

47. Web page: myspace. it's addicting.

48. Type of sandwich: club mmm

49. Thing to do: shop n party

50. Way of wasting time: computer

51. Flavor of kool-aid: i don't think i've ever had kool-aid

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear...

52. Hot: summer
53. Orange: the fruit
54. Choice: everything
56. Black: my dog lol
57. Ice: cube
58. Jack: my neigubor
59. Rainbow: pretty
60. Cherry: sherlie temple
61. Cucumber: green
62. Shark: ew
63. Bat: flying
64. Leather: purse
65. Whip: prostitute
66. Water: wakebording
67. Volcano: hott
This or That...

68. wet or dry: wet
69. mars volta or sparta: wtf ar those? 
70. Hot or cold: HOT
71. converge or dillinger: converge
72. MTV or VH1: MTV
73. Buffy or Angel: buffy
74. Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics: summer
75. Skiing or snowboarding: snowboarding
76. Roller blading or skateboarding: roller blades
77. Black or white: black
78. Orange or red: red
80. Purple or pink: pink
81. Slipknot or Mudvayne: slipknot
82. Hot Topic or Pac Sun: hot topic
83. Inside or outside: outside
84. Weed or alcohol: alcohol
85. Cell phone or pager: cell phone
86. Pen or pencil: pen
87. Scooby Doo or Dino: dino
88. Chaos or order: chaos
89. Now or later: both
90. Plan or surprise: plan
91. Spit or swallow: swallow
92. Hot tub or swimming pool: spa
93. Participate or observe: participate
94. Lead or follow: lead
95. Coffee or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
96. Lace or satin: satin caz its smooothh
97. Flowers or Candy: flowers
98. Scruff or Clean shaved: ew no CLEAN
99. Blondes or Brunettes: blonde do it better
100. Bitchy or Slutty: bitchy
101. Optimistic or pessimistic: optimistic
102. Introverted or extroverted: extroverted
103. Star Wars or Star Trek: ew  neither
104. Tattoos or piercings: piercings
105. Slut or whore: slut

So moving right along...Substances

106. Do you smoke? no
107. Do you smoke weed? i have but i dont.
108. Ever trip on acid? no.
109. How about a little x? negative
110. Coke, heroin, anything else? no.
111. Beer good or beer bad? beer good
112. Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers? hell no
113. Do you like Smirnoff ice? yes but its sissy
114. Prefer beer or liquor? liquor
Would you ever...

115. Bungee jump? YES
116. Sky dive? YES
117. Swim with dolphins? YES
118. Scuba dive? if someone came with me lol
119. Go rock climbing? i have
120. Turn your back on your friends for personal gain? no
121. Steal a friend's significant other? no
122. Cross-dress? haha oh um all the time
123. Walk up to a stranger and kiss them? if they were hott or i was dared 
124. Be an exotic dancer? no
125. Walk out of a restaurant without paying? yah
126. Streak? FUCK YEAH!!!

Have you ever?
127. Flashed someone? yes
128. Been to California? k yeah
129. Gotten really REALLY wasted? yes
130. Gone to jail or juvi? no
131. Skateboarded? attempted
132. Skinny dipped? yes and it was bomb
133. Stolen anything? yes
134. Wanted to kick my ass for posting this survey? no
135. Pegged someone in the head with a snowball? maybe i dont no
136. Gotten into a bar, under-aged? no.
137. Had an enemy become a close friend? yes
138. Given money to a homeless person? yes
139. Tried to kill yourself? no
140. Cried to get out of trouble? yes
141. Panicked? yes
142. Had an Anxiety attack? yes lol
143. Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways? foods food people
144. Set any body part on fire for amusement?  no
145. Kept a secret from everyone? yes
146. Had an imaginary friend?  his name was matt. i loved him
147. Ever cried at a chick Flick? of course
148. Found a cartoon character attractive? no
149. Called or seen a psychic? no
150. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? omg how sad..no

Are you?

151. Schizophrenic? whats that
152. Obsessive? sometimes.
153. Compulsive? sometimes
154. Obsessive compulsive? about cleaning yes
155. Depressed? yes

Do you?

156. Own a web cam? no
157. Ever get off the damn computer? sometimes
158. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? haha wtf
159. Habla espanol? si
160. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time? no i dont htink so


161. About flag burning? sad i dont like it
162. Of the war on terrorists? dont care 
163. About people who try to force their opinions on you? go away
164. What are your religious views? mm i belive and i an cathlic
165. What are your views on sex? its a big deal. people think of it as somehting thats nothing and i disagree
166. What is the most evil thing any human being could do? kill someone
167. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? yes
168. What do you believe makes a successful life? love and honestly and laughter and fun
169. What do you think about gay/lesbian couples being able to marry? who fucking care. if they want to let  them.

The last time you?
170. Wished upon a star?  prob a year ago at basslake caz i always look at the stars there
171. Laughed until you cried?  2 days ago
172. Watched a sunrise/sunset? 4th of july
173. Spent quality time alone? right now
174. Read a book for fun? umm idk


175. What are you eating? nothing
176. What are you drinking? water
177. What are you wearing? pajamas
178. Any shoes on? nope
179. Listening to? the key bored
180. Talking to anyone? nope
181. What do you have in your pockets? i dont have pockets
Yes or No...

182. Are you sane? most of the time
183. Are you a bitch? yes i can be
184. Are you artistic? when i want to be
185. Do you write poetry? no i suck
186. Can you ski? yes and im really good
187. Can you snowboard? yeah but i suck asssss
188. Do the voices talk to you? hahahahahahhhha
189. Did you ever give Barbie a haircut? haha oh yeah all the time
190. Do you think Lewis Carroll was on acid when they wrote 'Alice in Wonderland'? maybe
191. Are you straight? yes
192. Are you fat? no
193. Are you skinny? yes
194. Are you short? yes
195. Are you tall? no
196. Do you own any clothing that is hot pink? yes
197. Can you see the flying monkeys? no its more like flying elephants
198. Are you evil? no but i can me
199. Did you ever know someone who had a mullet? yes ha 
201. Are you secretly from another planet? no
203. Are you a slut? no
204. Do you eat at potlucks? no
205. Do you talk a lot? yes
206. Are you afraid of clowns? not really. unless they were like chasing me. that would be scary.
207. Do you like spiders? jhbchcjzxbckjxzhcbzxjk FUCKING YAH i hate them omg i hateeee them so much ARACNAPHOBIA RIGHT HERE ew ew ew ew
208. Are you spoiled? yes
209. Are you anti-social? opposite of it
210. Do you see dumb people? yes
211. Do you see dead people? no
212. Do you remember any of your dreams? yes
213. Have any of your dreams come true? yah dejavu DUH 
214. Do you admit when you need help with a problem? yes
215. Can people read you like a book? maybe
216. Are you lonely? yes
217. Are you happy? most of the time
218. Are you talking to someone online? no i have my away message on
219. Are you ready for this survey to end? yes

Relationships with Others?

220. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? if i like you ill be nice if i dont like you then um sorry im mean
221. Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? yes as i get to know them
222. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? Korie because shes there for me ALL the time and shes so much fun. My MOM caz she supports me MY dad same as my mom and TYLER ide die withouth him
223. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? parents
224. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Yes kories my best friend
225. Do you have a spouse or significant other? i wish
226. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? korie
227. Do you trust anyone to protect you? family and some friends
228. If you died or went missing, who would miss you? all my friends n family
229. Who is the person you despise the most, and why? elizabeth because shes a whore and shes a bitch and i dont likle her
230. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? i argue everything lol
231. Do you care what others think of you? yes and no
232. Who do you want more than anyone else? a boyfriend
233. Who makes you laugh the most? jessie alison korie
234. Who makes you smile? all my friend n family
235. Who can make you feel better no matter what? tyler
236. Who gives you a tingly feeling when you see them? aw cant say

Who was the last person?
237. You touched? my dad
238. You talked to? korie
239. You hugged? dad
240. You instant messaged? stephanie
241. You kissed? tony
242. You yelled at? my mom
243. You thought about? hgj
244. Who text messaged you? got it taken away
245. Who broke your heart? nick
246. Who told you they loved you? nick
247. Who you told you loved them? um my mom

Random Questions...

280. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be???? oh fuck idk.
281. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? fgetting my permit
282. Who has had the most influence on you ? brother
283. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? i do a lot of bad things
284. When was the time you were the most frightened? idk
285. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? very
286. Do you have any biases or prejudices? no
287. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?  someone who would die for me.
288. What, if anything, shocks or offends you? people who only care about themselves
289. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left? have sex. tell everyone how much i love them. and have a big party.
290. Do you dream in color or black and white? black and white
291. What's your biggest fear? my family not being a success 
292. If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be? a really hot guy.

293. If you could do anything to the person you hate most what would it be? make her feel like shit so that she would change or just beat the shit out of her
294. Who is the perfect person for you? ill know when i find him
295. What computer password did you once use that no one would ever guess? whatever
296. Do you ever accept the blame/responsibility for things you shouldn't? not usually but i have
297. How long did this survey take you? like my whole life
298. Any last words? i hate summer school
299. Now that this is over, what are you going to do? get my chores done work on my geometry so korie can come over
300. Sex? not yet.
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