I'm interested in starting a traditional ballad singing session in Columbus, OH. This would be unaccompanied singing of English (collected by Francis Child, Cecil Sharp, etc.), Scottish, Irish (no Irish Rebel ballads, no Turaluralura), Appalachian, etc. traditional ballads
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Comments 8
I'm new to the Columbus area (moved here from Settmour Swamp in the East), and haven't really done much with the SCA since I've been here. I bardic afternoon would be perfect.
Did we miss each other? I was always beating the bushes for bards...
You know me either as Trey or Maggie. We met through Ragnar and the Horde, (or maybe through my housemother Raven. I don't really remember). We've been at the same bardics a couple of times. We share some of the same frustrations with the state of music in the Swamp.
You're a much, *much* better musician and bard than I am. I'm more of a minstrel.
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