Review for Merlin 5x11: Drawing the Dark. Spoilers of course.
I’d only just recovered from my Hour feelings. I didn’t need this as well.
You’re getting my therapy bills.
Episode Summary
I knew this episode wasn’t going to end well, that was clear from last week’s trailer, and with three episodes to go, we had to start setting things up for the finale. But.
This episode raises a lot of questions about nature verses nurture curiously. Uther maintained that magic was inherently evil and corrupting, a view that at times it seems Arthur shares. Magic users on the other hand seem to believe that magic is not in and of itself evil, but they have been forced to use it wrongly, due to persecution by the Pendragons.
It is possible that if Arthur had only acted differently in this episode, if only he had made a different decision, than the whole series - or what remains of it - would go differently.
Makes you think.
Oh Merlin.
He’s been trying so hard to make sure that everything works and to protect Arthur and now despite all his best efforts it’s all gone to hell in a handcart.
He did his best to help Mordred, finally realising that perhaps he’s been wrong to distrust him up to now, but it was to no avail. You can’t fight fate.
Looking at what I said above, one wonders how things would change if Merlin had only been nicer to Mordred since the start.
Arthur (and Others)
I’m not sure if I don’t entirely blame Arthur for the whole mess that is coming his way.
I mean yes, I understand that as King he has a duty to uphold the laws of Camelot and protect its citizens, but if he’d only been a bit more lenient and listened to Merlin than maybe things wouldn’t have ended so badly.
There are times he seems like his own man, and times he just seems to be following Uther.
The Bad Guy
Mordred. Why did you have to be so stupid? Why. I mean I know you loved her. But why? I was just starting to like you.
As for Cara. I don’t necessarily agree with what she did, but I understand why she did it. She doesn’t see herself as evil. Just as desperate.
Another solid episode, which leads in nicely to the finale.
Next Week: Crap on a Stick.