Review of Merlin 5x13: The Diamond of the Day Part Two: The Final Episode. Spoilers of course.
Oh Merlin.
I don’t think you could have had a better send off. That was perfect. A heart wrenching conclusion to not only Saturday’s episode but to the whole show, with most of the threads wrapped up.
I couldn’t have asked for better.
Episode Summary
Okay, there were some lingering questions left after that episode, like who would succeed Gwen, and Mordred and Morgana were dispatched a little too quickly, but those were relatively minor niggles and pale into insignificance in the face of the fact that
And not only did we get the reveal, but we got a whole episode of Arthur reacting to it. All be it not as boisterously as would have done if he hadn’t been you know dying.
I had hoped that the writers would have found some way to avoid having to kill off Arthur, but I guess it was inevitable. As another great show says, time can’t be re-written. Arthur was fated to die at Camlann. At least he died with his best friend at his side.
As for that final image of Merlin still walking the land, waiting for Arthur’s return, for the return of the Once and Future King. That’s a pretty good ending in my book.
The look on Merlin’s face once he told Arthur the truth about him, was the look of a man who had just had a great weight removed from his shoulders. After what must be about eight years he finally gets to be honest.
We also got confirmation, that despite the treatment he got at Arthur’s hands, despite the lack of recognition and respect, he didn’t want to be anywhere else. He knew his destiny was to serve Arthur and he was happy to do it. Even if did mean waiting for him to return.
I would have just loved one season of Merlin and Arthur dealing with this new found revelation. That would have been great.
Arthur (and Others)
I think Arthur behaved exactly as we would have wanted him to. Suspicious at first, he eventually came to recognise that Merlin was still Merlin, still his best friend; still the person he thought was one of the bravest men he knew. Only now he knew exactly how brave. If he had lived I like to think that with Merlin by his side, he would have become more tolerant and accepting towards magic. But we’ll never know.
At least he will have Merlin at his side when he returns.
As for Gawaine. NO!!. Who thought that was a good idea? Of all the knights he was my favourite. Why did they have to kill him off?
And now Gwen is Queen. I’m not sure how that will work out, but I think we can trust she has the strength to pull it off.
The Bad Guy
Yes Mordred and Morgana were dispatched quickly, but at least they were killed by the right people, Mordred at Arthur’s hand, Morgana at Merlin’s.
And in the end it didn’t come down to Morgana v Emrys or Morgana v Old!Merlin It was Morgana v Merlin. Exactly as it should be. And Merlin took the blame for his role in Morgana turning evil just as he should have done.
So much was tied up in that scene. It worked for me.
This show hasn’t always been perfect, but it has been a consistent and magical part of my life for five years. I’ll miss it.
Goodbye Merlin. Thanks for the memories.