Having had a big piss up last night I feel much better. Well mentally anyway but my body feels a little shite unsurprisingly. It was just what I needed though and now I feel more in touch with my party spirit that had been crushed over the last few months. OK I couldn't really afford it but I think it was necessary. So fuck it
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Comments 3
Hotmail doesn't seem to like me replying through emails at the mo- so I'll try & remember what you put!
Yeah, I still have an LJ, though I'm on a lot less often, don't have so much time, tired after work usually!
(Though I did put up a message when got back from Asia.)
Glad to hear you're doing okay, you keep on smiling, things always seem to work out in a surprisingly good way, & even if not there's a lesson or two, hey.
Chat to you again soon. x
Do you have MSN messanger by the way?
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