i am going to keep this entry open because i want to post to many people. this is a reflection of lost, a little of last night, but more on the series in general.
starting with last night: i thought it was brilliant. beautiful. smart. moving. satisfying. i am really glad that darlton did what they did in the end. i was very impressed. i cried a ton. i couldn't sleep last night. here's my take DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN the show acutally happened. so yeah, we don't really understand the polar bears or how the smoke monster was the smoke monster, but it all really happened. the sideways journey this year was showing how all the characters came together in their purgatory to all be...er...together. we got to see these brillant reunions last night that moved me. but we also saw what happened at thee nd of jack's leadership, when it moved to hurley who chose ben (SQUEE!!! best moment ever-that's all i wanted!) to be his second. everyone [who was still alive] continued leading their lives, including the epople who flew away on the plane etc, etc. the biggest point of the end scene was that, time didn't matter anymore, they were all together again. *le sigh* SPOILER OVER
this show has meant a lot to me. just like harry potter, it's been a large part of my life for many years. i've lived and died with these chracters, grown close to them, anything you can do short of being part of hte show itself. coming to an end is very sad. i'll never see a new episode. but i'm at peace (for now lol). it was just such a good ending that i can't not be ahppy. i can still rewatch (and rewatch i will) and get people into the show and just love it in general. lost has changed tv forever and i don't think anything will ever come close to it.
and now because i'm getting sappy writing this, i'm going to move on. for those still reading, i would like to share with you what i love about this show. my favorite cahracters and episodes. if you are a fan please comment and share your characters, moments, lines, episodes. :)
Top 10 favorite episodes:
10. Dr. Linus s6 ep 7
This was Ben's sideways story as a school teacher who has a close relationship with the girl who was really his daughter. On island he struggles to find some sort of redemption and ends up being accepted to his surprise. Great Ben episode that speaks volumes to the character of Ben. Shows his good side and how, for me, ben has always been a person just seeking a meaning in life, someone who just wants to be wanted.
9. Exodus pt. 1&2 s1 ep 23, 24, 25
Ok, this is really highly cheating, but when they first aired it was all together. Exodus was the story of the first shot at getting off the island, a man made raft with three different men and a boy sailing off to find rescue. Likewise, two also very different men are blowing up the hatch. Then of course, there's the infamous "WALTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!" ending. This was the episode that I decided this show really was something to invest my time in.
8. One of Us s3 ep 16
The flashbacks for this one were Juliet's, telling us about how she arrived at the island, and then some history on the island including ben's semi obession with her. This is really what makes this epsiode for me. The real time story is about Juliet helping Claire and the baby because the baby's sick, but I love the flashbacks making this character that the oceanic people dislike so likeable to the audience. this was when juliet became the real heroine of the show for me.
7. The End s6 ep 17, 18
Like I even have to. The moment that made this episode for me was Jack and the smoke monster running acorss the rocks at each other in this brillant lighting for the end all battle. Or maybe it was Hurley asking Ben to be his number 2. Or the reuniting of Claire/Charlie, Juliet/Sawyer. Alright, so there were many little moments that made this one of hte best series finales i have ever seen.
6. Cabin Fever s4 ep 11
Again, it's the flashbacks that make this episode for me. So intriguing. It tells more about John Locke's history, mainly showing how Richard Alpert was a very large part of his life. We find out later it's because John affected history and made it that way. Either way, some of the stuff just made you think-like the whole "which of these belongs to you" test. love it!
5. Do No Harm s1 ep 20
This is one of those lost episodes that just brought the show to a whole new level. It deals with light and dark, birth and death. Boone is the island's first casualty, while Claire finally has her baby. It tells such an amazing flip side story that makes you weep for sad and happiness all at the same time. Just an all around beautiful episode.
4. Through the Looking Glass s3 ep 22, 23
Cheating again. lol. soooooo much happens in this episode. The main thing-charlie's sacrifice to do what he thought would be saving the others by unblocking the channels to get a signal out. his final moments seeing penny were just breathtaking. and then the call gets out and they're going to be rescued....Meanwhile, the flashforwards are introdcued. A clever rouse throughout the show, we finally find out at the end that we were watching the future the whole time.
3. Greatest Hits s3 ep 21
Goodbyes suck. And that's what this episodes real time events were about-what Charlie knew would be goodbyes to the love of his life Claire, and best friend Hurley. Meanwhile, his flashbacks go through his greatest hits, the moments that meant hte most to im in his life. The final one, of course, was the plane crash that brough Claire and himself together. What a sadly beautiful story. I knew there was no hope for them, but I loved them as a couple so so much. This was a great episode for Dominic too.
2. The Man Behind the Curtain s3 ep 20
Is it bad that yet again the moments that make this episode for me are the flashbacks? This tells of Ben's backstory, his mother's death, his father's awful attitude towards him. This was the moment I realized there was more to the man behind the curtain and I really wanted to know even more. Also, we "see" Jacob for the first time...
1. The Constant s4 ep 5
The story of how Des is special, and can cross time and space. The phone conversation at the end with Penny and Des to me is one of hte best lost moments period. This showed that the show could tell a love story as well as sci fi as well as humor etc etc. Plus, it was full of Dan's crazy physics which i also fell in love with. just the best episode ever-i could watch it over and over.
My top 5 favorite characters
4. Desmond
Des was guy who didn't want to be a part of it all, but couldn't get away. He was special as all the power players called him. But he wasn't out of the ordinary. I loved him because all he wanted to do was be with the woman he loved on a boat living with their son (named charlie *sobs*) He was just so well written and played. Love him!
3. Juliet
The only female on my list. Juliet is another non original castaway, but she completely grew on me after her backstory was revealed. Strong, fierce, and a good shot, Juliet was living a very tough life when we first met her. But she grew, and I espically loved 1970s Juliet, and her too short relationship with Sawyer.
2. Jack
If ever I loved a leading man, it would be Jack Shepard. I always go for the "comedic relief" or the nerd or whatever, but Jack was such a strong lead it was impossible not to love him. He had his flaws, like every tragic hero, but he always pulled through. I loved Jack through his hard times, his drunk days, because I knew he could come out on the other side of it. And...he did. <3
1. tie for Charlie and Ben
It's really impossible to rank these two. I love them both but for very different reasons. Charlie was a reformed druggie who found love on the island. he was truly a wonderful soul hwo just needed to find that person. maybe it was because i love dominic and watched the show because of him, but charlie was so real and crazy and talented :)
Ben, well, all i can say is ME can't be on my tv soon enough. I love him. Ben was this little ferretty guy who easily could have been tossed aside. But ME built this creepy and snide character. But when we got his back stroy everything changed. I stand by my Ben theory that he because jaded and hurt as a young boy and couldn't get out of the rut his father created. Until the castaways came and broke him and it went from there, going back and forth good and evil, trying to dig his way out. The moment his daughter was shot in front of him. gha. another fantatstic lost moment.
So, if you stuck with it. Thanks. That's how much this show means to me.