I find myself again looking at alternative living styles..
Work camping has been catching my eye. It is a seasonal kinda thing it looks like but alot of places will let you camp for free in your rv (that i dont have) if you either work the gates or spend some hours doing other tasks that they would have to pay someone else to do.
I know I am kind of depressed and this is just a way to dream of running away from everything but.. Even not depressed I was dreaming of an RV. I must decide what sacrifices I am willing to make so that I can live a smaller but more content life.
Do I really want to travel? Do I really want to teach? Do I want to keep up my hobbies so much I am willing to plant my roots in one spot? Do I belive that the relationship I am in now is going to be compatible with my hitting the road if I want. Should I worry about that yet?
Life is hard. I want to have my goals all figured out but honestly... I kinda just want to curl up and cry too.. I spent a wonderful week on the couch of a friends hotel room getting to just catch up in the evenings and I am finding the thing I value most in my life right now is the company of GOOD friends. I would drive five hours almost every weekend to catch up with people, I would live out of my car without cringing to say hi to some. I would leave my guy and stay in a hotel room to wake up and be near to friends I love and trust.
Im not sure how I can combine the friends I love and my dream of traveling.. or my still simmering interest in teaching along with my passion for actually creating ceramics.
I feel a bit like a topsy turvey when I start to think. Im overwhelmed with choices and underwhelmed with my life