TLV - Potential Application Discussion

Oct 22, 2008 15:04


Thinking about applying for a character, but not quite sure if they're a good fit? This post is dedicated to discussion of that very thing! A jury of your peers will help you in deciding whether or not a character you suddenly have a hankering for would be a fit for the Barge!

THIS IS NOT COMPULSORY. Nobody HAS to participate, and nobody HAS to post here before they post an application! This is just for people who are unsure and would like to have a discussion before they apply.

However, there are some rules.

1. Mods are the final decision makers. So, a lot of people love your character? Got great feedback? But then-- whaaaat?-- you post your app and it's REJECTED? GASP! Sorry, approval here does NOT substitute mod approval. Do NOT use this thread as basis for whining at the mods if your character is rejected. If you do, this thread is getting shut down. (PS: This rule applies EVEN IF ONE OF THE MODS GIVES YOU GOOD FEEDBACK IN THIS THREAD)
2. No content-less posts. I don't want to see any "OMG YES!" or any "HELL NO"s. You have to provide reasons. This post is for constructive discussion.
3. No flaming. This kinda goes with the above. If you think the character is fine but the player can't pull it off, BE CONSTRUCTIVE and don't insult the player.
4. BE HONEST. Speaks for itself. You think a character would be a terrible fit? Then don't say "Oh, it'll be wonderful!"
5. No plotting. A lot of times, people get all excited about making up plots for characters who aren't even in the game yet (and who MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED), leaving those who are in the game with nothing to do with... well, nothing to do. It's distracting and the excitement over "what-ifs" diverts too much from the actual game.
6. Don't take this personally. You do not equal your (potential) character. If everybody thinks it's a lousy character who wouldn't fit, it's NOT an attack on you or your RPing.

Put the character's name as the subject line (ONE CHARACTER PER COMMENT), and be sure to fill out the following form. Yes, some of the questions seem stupid, but these are things we'd like you to keep in mind BEFORE you apply for a character.


!application, !rules

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