Brothers & Sisters Mood theme

May 19, 2009 17:05

I created a Brothers & Sisters mood theme , my first mood theme-and most likely my last given the amount of time it took me. Geez, if I had known that it would take THIS long to take screen caps, choose which to keep, crop and adjust them, and name them, and rename them, rename them and rename them, AAARH, well, I certainly would not have done it ( Read more... )

lj : moodtheme, lj

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Comments 12

storylikeascar May 19 2009, 16:47:56 UTC
That is so awesome that you did a B&S moodtheme. Now that is a good way to occupy your time :) Snagging for future use. Thanks babe.


barking_cats May 19 2009, 16:52:15 UTC
Yes, that was the reason, to occupy myself. but it took way too long and ended up eating up on my job hunting time (well, I let it, granted). So, yes, I'm rushed. And I need to reply to you, ha. Tonight is my mother's birthday so my sister is taking us to the restaurant, and tomorrow I think I will go and drop my CVs to agencies directly.
I hope you don't feel like I'm ignoring you?


storylikeascar May 20 2009, 03:44:27 UTC
No I don't think you're ignoring me honey. Please take your time and don't feel rushed to reply. If it wasn't for you I'd still be carrying that little burden around and now I'm not. So already you've done a lot so don't feel rushed to reply me let it happen naturally and at the right moment when you feel ready.



barking_cats May 19 2009, 22:17:30 UTC
Oh and I uploaded it again because there were a couple typos in the pictures title, I spelled one wrong and I forgot, like, 5 of them. :P Now it's allc orrected


alias_jems May 19 2009, 18:30:28 UTC

did you have fun making it?

i totally love making mood themes. there is something very satisfying about finding the right images for each mood :)


barking_cats May 19 2009, 21:28:17 UTC
I did!
But it got really tiring and frustrating towards the end. because I made twice as many pictures as needed and I couldn't choose between one or the other without feeling disappointment to not use the left over one. so, yah ;)

but indeed,it can be satisfying.


alias_jems May 20 2009, 22:24:35 UTC
yeah i always loose my patience with them. it usually takes me days to complete them though cos i have tog et it just right! LOL.


at_midnight May 20 2009, 00:03:00 UTC
Wonderful activity to do. Kudos for you


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