I really, really, love this show.
First, the likes:
- Bloop! Thats all I really have to say.
- Hurley putting a seatbelt on unconscious Sayid, AS HE RUNS INTO A MAILBOX. Tee hee Hurley, you're kind of hopeless sometimes.
- Expendable Male Character(EMC) Neal getting shot with a flaming arrow. Because seriously, that dude was ANNOYING. Also, the following are the raw comments of mine from the moments of the Cuisineart comment, up to when he gets shot:
Yes thats right, I called it.
- The survivors having trouble without their leaders, and Bernard trying to start a fire and failing. Things have been too easy for the survivors at times. I kind of like this 'back to primativeness' thing we've got going on.
- Hurley loves Shi-Tzus. You know its true.
- John Locke is dead. Or is he?
- Ben flushes Jack's pills. Benjamin Linus: My anti-drug
- I love that Sayid was put out of action for so much of this episode. It forces Hurley to man up and try and take care of things, instead of letting somebody else take control. He is being tested really for one of the first times - I'd like to see more of that in the future. I don't think Hurley is as helpless as he sometimes seems to be, and I think that hes going to become more important, instead of just the comedic relief. I hope so anyway. I mean, hes getting a bit obnoxious and vindictive, but at least hes starting to be his own person. I'm interested to see where this goes.
- Ben bringing John to a butcher. I kind of feel like theres a man on Fleet Street thats already done that.
- Jack minus the fugly beard.
- Hahaha Hurley throwing the Pizza Pocket at Ben. That was kind of amazing.
The Dislikes:
- Hurley and his vindictiveness. Now, I'm happy that Hurley seems to be hashing out his character and finding his spine. But do we really have to be a jackass. Whats up with this "Someday you're going to need my help. And you're not going to get it." Crap?
- Anna Lucia telling Hurley that Libby says hi. It was really flippant and just... Eh, it came out bitchy. Not cool show, not cool.
- Whiney EMC!Neal. Seriously. The best part of that EMC? WHEN HE DIED.
- Caviar sandwich? Ew.
- Charlotte is still the only one affected by the time travel. I still don't like it. Also, can Miles talk to dead pigs now? Weeeeird. Its like Babe meets the Sixth Sense.
- The flaming arrow on the tree. Don't you know, only YOU can prevent forest fires? Jeez.
- I really don't trust Sun. Something was NOT right with that convo. Its sad, because I totally liked Sun. And I feel like Show is setting us up to be... betrayed. By her. Hmm.
- Jack's fugly car. For Christsake, you're a DOCTOR. Buy a nice car, to go with your lovely beardless face.
- Near-dismemberment of Juliette. Ew. Dismemberment totally squicks me. Just ew.
"Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?" HAHAHAHA
- Who are the people on the island now? Dharma Initiative? Others? Rousseau’s peeps? Somebody else? Where are we in time? WHEN ARE WE?! (thanks Locke!)
- So is John dead? Or... not?
- Where was Hurley's spine up until this season?
- The woman in the lab/church/thing. Is that Hawking, the one who wouldn't sell Desmond the ring? That would make sense...