Read the article
here. My opinion:
I'm in agreement with those that say what John did wasn't a good idea, not when BBC radios shows are risky at the moment. It was immature, and he obviously wasn't thinking straight, even though he has a habit of accidentally getting into lewd humour on shows that don't call for it. I'm relieved it wasn't anything worse and potentially career damaging, but I'm sure John recognises what a risky move that was, looking back. On the other hand, the media are prowling for these kind of reports since the Ross and Brand stunt and have made a bit of a mountain out of a molehill with this scenario to say ONE person complained about something that would only be seriously offensive had it been visible. Still, John apologised for this, and I hope he learns from his mistake. If he wants to make it on children's television (for the shows he has lined up,) he needs to tone down his flashy personality in situations like this. Ross and Brand were never for kids, but John is, and he has to maintain a higher level of decency.