I love a sunburnt cunt.

Dec 12, 2004 23:38

Ali and I didn't end up leaving till rather late Friday night because of work and stuff. On the way, listened to Pauline Pantsdown's "I Don't Like It" (Funniest. Song. Ever.), Queen, Powderfinger, Nirvana, Pearl Jam- shades of high school there. The top couldn't be taken off the Alfa because it was stuffed but it was very nice to drive a flashy car regardless. Got there about midnight and immediately got stuck into the drugs and alcohol with the others. Didn't go to bed till the sun rose and sensibly did not take up Elise's offer of a jog on the beach after a bottle of wine and a joint. Thankfully, neither did she, after some careful consideration.

Saturday was spent eating greasy food in an attempt at a hangover cure, and then swimming and sunbaking on the beach at Cowes. A Very Cute Boy we had all been perving on earlier came and tried to chat me up by asking me which way I reckoned was north. It was the most interesting pick-up line I've had thrown at me for a long time. The girls seem to think I am some sort of boy magnet but I don't think I am. I was mega-surprised I picked up on the beach in broad daylight in my bathers with all my flabby bits hanging out. All of us (his friends and my friends) met up later that night, after I had cooked dinner for us girls, and drank on the beach, which I suspect was illegal, but was quite fun and cheaper and surprisingly less creepy than the local pub. We walked along the pier and held hands and kissed, and talked about precious things, and agreed to hang out today. He never returned my text messages though when I left him to go home with the girls last night he kept calling my phone and getting my voice mail and leaving cute messages because I had turned it off. So who knows why he didn't want to catch up today, but if nothing else comes out of it, I spent a hot summer night with a gorgeous boy who called me beautiful and made me feel like the most desirable woman on the planet. I didn't go on holidays to meet boys so the unexpectedness of it all made it even better.

Today, we lounged around feeling blah. Dirty Dancing and Patrick Swayze's hotness and bad acting cheered us up, though. Spent the day lunching, shopping and beaching again. I bought a sea captain's hat which is really cool in a '70s kitsch pornstar sort of way. I'm going to have to get some aviator glasses to go with it. I draw the line at tight white flares.

Tonight, we returned sunburnt (or in my case, tanned) from head to toe, relaxed, happy, mellow, sober, tired, rejuvenated, cleansed, and closer than we were before we left.

And tomorrow life will return to its usual boring self. How annoying.
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