Title: Let The Wind Blow High
Characters/Pairings: Stephen/Nick
Genre: Humour, Slash.
Rating: PG
Words: 3,002
Summary: Stephen wants to prove Nick wrong.
Author's Note: Oh heck! I completely forgot about posting this when I got the changes made! lol Oh well! Oops! This is a fic I promised
kristen_mara for her birthday. It took me a while, and it's my first
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Comments 16
Glad I gave you those mental images...*drifts off* Sorry about the late reply, I completely forgot! Doh!
Cheers lass! :)
But now I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day singing Donald Where's Your Troosers?... *shakes fist* XD
Thanks! Glad you liked it and I hope you didn't sing the song for the rest of the day!
Apologies for the late response.
Thank you very much! Glad you liked. :)
Yup... Stephen be nekkid except for the kilt. A lovely image isn't it?
Thanks for the comment, sorry it took me so long to reply. XD
Stephen in a kilt? *faints*
That was fun!
I can just imagine lots of kilted gentlemen running around after the dodos and 'missing the target' with their leaf blowers...
Thank you! Stephen in a kilt is most nom-some. I'd actually like to see any of the guys in kilts really.
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