Who does Ozzie Guillen think he is?...Eminem?
Guillen calls Jay Mariotti a "[expletive] fag" Look, we've all probably said worse things about Mariotti but come on. Guillen is the manager of the reigning champions of baseball. What he says will always be held in a different regard to what we have to say about Mariotti.
If you don't choose to read the article he defended himself by saying that "fag" in his country is directed at a man's courage and not his sexuality. Yeah...I'm sure he knew that we'd all get that when he just popped off again.
I think the best part of the article is when Guillen defended himself of being homophobic.
"Guillen also told Couch that he has gay friends, attends WNBA games, went to a Madonna concert and plans to go to the Gay Games in Chicago."
What was most shocking about that admission was...he attends WNBA games? I though no one did.