Hello, Yuletide writer-type person! This is my first time trying Yuletide, so I'm pretty excited about it.
While I am a bureaucrat who lives in a world of forms,
here are a few other things you might like to know! First of all, I may have misunderstood when I was first filling out my sign-up form, so please don't feel like you have to include all of the characters I mentioned for whichever fandom you choose. If you are amazing enough to fit in subplots that can do that, I would be forever impressed and awed, but it's certainly ok to pick one or two if you're struck by an awesome idea and feel boxed into a corner trying to make them all fit in somehow. Now, some other notes.
Things I Like In General:
* Short, slice-of-life stories that show you just a glimpse of what's going on in the characters' lives and leave you wanting more, rather than everything being wrapped up in a pretty bow at the end
* Domesticity! It doesn't have to be super schmoopy, but I like seeing how characters in long-term relationships deal with life together.
* Witty banter and cleverness.
* Minor characters! What are they doing while the main characters get screen/page time?
* Gen and exploring friendships/non-romantic relationships. I enjoy a good pairing, too, but I feel like it's hard to find good gen out there.
Things I Don't Like:
* Non-con, dub-con, violence in sex and relationships in general.
* I'm going to cheat and steal this one from someone on my f-list, but I hate when canon love interests are explained away by them being crazy/evil/harpies/etc. That's just not cool. I'm totally cool with non-canon pairings, but I vastly prefer it when writers don't completely change canon characterization to make that happen.
Request #1 - Babysitters Club
Janine Kishi/Charlie Thomas - Do what you will with them; I'll just be glad to read it! Although, I should warn you that they are my favorite OTP of any of my fandoms, so I will probably be sad if it's a depressing ending. How they deal with the nerd/popular kid issue in high school, running into each other later on in life, whatever strikes your fancy.
I really like Abby, and I think it'd be interesting to see more of her life. Maybe exploring the friendship between her and Kristy, who seem to have some friction. Or interactions between Abby and Anna. Or both!
I'd also love to see more of Mallory at Riverbend, or dealing with being back home over school breaks.
Anything having to do with Shanon would also be great. How does she feel when she's replaced and goes back to being an alternate officer? How does she balance her BSC life with her private school life? Etc.
I have much love for the BSC, so I'm sure I'd enjoy whatever you come up with.
Request #2 - Earth 2
The obvious one here is what happened after the show ended so abruptly. I love reading and hearing people's various stories and theories about what comes next. I'm a fan of the Adair/Danzinger pairing, so that's always a nice addition, too. Other things I tend to enjoy: Danzinger looking after Uly when Devon is in stasis, Bess being awesome and good at living on a planet, Alonzo dealing with being grounded, Uly's relationship to the Terrians.
Request #3 - Pushing Daisies
I love Ned/Chuck, and I tend to prefer fic that's on the sweeter end of things. It's pretty easy to get dark and depressing, given the premise and the whole not-being-able-to-touch business, but one of the things I loved about the show and the characters was the sweetness and optimism of it all. This is another one I'd like to hear about what happens after its abrupt end. The aunts are fabulous, and I'd enjoy seeing how they handle learning that Chuck is alive.
Alternatively, there was a reference at one point to "not never" between Olive and the Piemaker; exploring what he meant by that might be interesting. I'd also enjoy more insight into Emerson Cod. Or Emerson and Olive teaming up again - that was great!
Request #4 - Mad Men
Oh, this show. I love the (non-sexual, non-romantic) relationship between Peggy and Don, and Peggy's struggle to fit in somewhere between this new, young, exciting group she's starting to interact with and the more traditional, middle class advertising world. The changing world is pretty much a character in its own right at this point in the series, and I'd love to see more of what you think happens in the gaps that we don't see during the seasons.
Pete has really grown on me over the seasons (except for when he raped that au pair), and I'd be interested to see more of him - his family, his role at the company, etc. What about Greg and how poor Joanie is going to have to cope? Does he come home from Vietnam alive, how does he adjust, what is their home life like, what about the baby? And Carla! What about poor Carla now that Betty fired her? And what happened to Lane's girlfriend? He just moved the family back to the States - how did he manage that one, and how long is it going to last? THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED. Since I have to wait a WHOLE YEAR to find out, I'd love to read some good fic that tackles any of these things.
So, what I'm trying to say is that you could pretty much write about any of the characters we've seen on the show and hold my interest. Ha.
Thanks in advance for being awesome, as I am sure you will be!