Campaign for Real Beauty
I poke and I prod. lift/squish/twist
my subtle (and less so) insecurities and
WHOOMP (deritiz)!
The deadening downer and the Gravity of the situation
puts me in my chubby place.
How does One Man fight against 6pax/model hax making smoking cool like Kerouac?
He explores the Campaign for Real Beauty.
But as Real is True, so is BEAUTY.
And if BEAUTY's Truth, what's Real?
Real to Me is not always what I see on TV
So I keel when I should be steel. Holding that banner with those bombshell babes
of my cartoon days
with Cap'n Crunch in the morning.
Real to Me is the irony I see. Your marketing turned against You.
When 'cross the TTC the Ad I see is one 'bout kids doing what 'rents do.
Your Campaign turned out to be phoney.
I think about how this shit is expedited to those
by the ghouls and goblins of the TV screen
telling them to be lean, mean, scene...
And how They/I/You/Brad Pitt start to buy into it.
Once again the apple is an enemy.
Bonking You, protecting its tree
the only obstacle to being SKINNY.
To express and describe my horrid pall I should borrow from my friend Al who said:
I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed...
Me too. And we should blame who? It's not just minds
but bodies too.
We have replaced happiness, sex, love and desire
with hunger, depression, guilt and mire.
It makes me want to Howl
at night in a soft light where no one will find or see me.
So where are we left?
A Campaign with a pretty good name -
but not a rhythm or reason.
My Campaign for Real Beauty starts with me.
Happines came not from botox or flashy locks,
but from the life that I now lead.
soo? wachutink?