author: Lara
rating: nc17 eventually (with underage sex)
disclaimer: I think Lance might be gay, but this is au so it really never happened.
Lance had to get up early every morning to eat breakfast before everyone else. Then he worked in the kitchen, and cleaned up after the campers. Nick and the others had a field day with this. “Excuse me, Lance? You missed a spot there.” Nick carefully poured his milk onto the floor. “Get a mop.”
“You’re a prick sometimes, Carter,” AJ snapped. “Sorry, Lance.” He threw down a pile of paper napkins.
“It’s okay,” Lance said, sighing as he went to get the mop. He knew that AJ genuinely liked him, and they got along, but AJ wasn’t strong enough to go against the group. And Nick Carter was definitely the leader of that group.
“Carter,” Josh called. “C’mere.”
Nick walked over, proud to be noticed by one of the older boys. “Yes?”
“You know Joey Fatone here, right? He’s my best friend.”
“Yeah. I remember you. Hey,” Nick said.
“He’s thirsty. I think you should give him your orange juice.”
“But then I won’t have anything to drink!” Nick protested.
“Where’s your milk?”
Nick looked back to where Lance was mopping. “It, uh, spilled.”
“Well, you should try not to be so clumsy then.” Josh looked Nick in the eye. “Juice…now…or you’ll regret it.”
“Fine,” Nick said, stomping back to his table. He brought his cup of orange juice over. “Here, Joey.”
“Thanks, Nick,” Joey said, giving Josh a big grin. Nick went back to his own table, ignoring the chuckles of his friends. “Bass!” Joey called. Lance walked over, head down.
“You look thirsty. Take this.” Joey handed him the juice. Lance eyed it warily. “Really. I didn’t spit in it or anything.”
“Thank you,” Lance said softly, quickly drinking the juice.
“You ready for the race today?” Josh asked. Lance shrugged. There was a big race in the afternoon instead of lessons, and Lance was definitely the fastest boy in their cabin. “You win this, Bass, and I bet Mr. Kline lets you off breakfast duty, at least.”
“Maybe,” Lance said, blushing. Josh put a hand on his arm.
“Lance, I know you didn’t pull that mud thing. I know it was one of the other guys. I’m watching them, and I’ll find out who, okay? I’ll get him to tell the truth to Kline, and you’ll be off the hook.”
Lance’s green eyes widened and Josh was once again shocked by how beautiful they were. “Really, Josh? Thanks!”
“Get moving. We need you outta here and warming up ASAP,” Josh ordered. Lance nodded and hurried away, almost tripping over his mop in his haste.
Joey laughed. “He’s a real winner,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“He’s not that bad,” Josh said softly, watching Lance hurry away.
Lance toed the chalk line at the starting block. He was running against six other boys, one from each of the other cabins. “GO LANCE!” He heard Meadow scream, and he turned bright red. The boy on his left laughed.
“Your girlfriend?”
“Just a friend,” Lance mumbled.
“On your marks…get set…go!” The headmaster yelled and Lance took off. The race wasn’t long, but he easily pulled ahead.
“C’mon, Lance!” He heard someone yell. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Josh cheering for him. He ran faster, pumping his arms. Lance easily broke the tape, yards ahead of the next runner.
Lance bent over, panting for breath. “You did it!” Meadow squealed, running over to hug him.
“Lance!” Josh yelled happily, pushing his way to Lance. “You did it! You kicked their asses!” Josh picked Lance up in a hug and swung him around.
Lance tried not to notice how good it felt to have Josh’s arms around him. His body started to react in a VERY embarrassing way, so he quickly squirmed to make Josh put him down. “Um, thanks, Josh.” Lance ducked his head.
“You did great,” Josh said, running his hand over Lance’s sweaty hair.
“Lance!” AJ came running over. “You were awesome!”
“Lance, you were great out there!” Britney shoved her way through the boys. “I couldn’t believe how fast you went!”
“Yeah, well,” Lance stammered.
“Are you on the track team at home?” Chrissy asked, looping her arm through Lance’s. He blushed as the girls dragged him away.
“He doesn’t even try,” AJ said, sighing. “I need to learn his secret.”
By the fourth week of camp, Lance was only cleaning up after lunch. Mr. Kline had forgiven him, but still felt that he had to punish him somehow. The boys in Lance’s cabin weren’t really any nicer to him, but for the most part they left him alone. If he had to pick a friend, Lance would say AJ, but it wasn’t like he spent a lot of time with him or anything. Lance spent most of his time alone. He did his vocal lessons, which he loved, and he helped out around the small stable. Lance loved horses, and had his own pony back home. Nick Carter made a snide comment about Lance smelling like a horse, and Josh made him stay back and clean the entire cabin.
Lance had grown to like Josh a lot, though Josh made sure to try and keep up his gruff exterior. Lance knew the true Josh, though. He could tell that Josh did NOT want to be at the camp, no matter how much he liked being treated like a star. He heard Josh tell Justin once that his parents made him come to the camp, so he put up with it. If he went to camp, he got a car. If he went to camp, he had no curfew. Lance was horrified to hear the misery in Josh’s voice.
Josh wandered into the dining hall one afternoon during the sixth week of camp, looking for Lance. The vocal coach had told Josh that Lance still hadn’t chosen a song for the final show, and Josh wanted to see what was going on. Everyone else in the cabin had chosen something to do, a scene to perform or a song to sing, and Josh hoped that no one had made Lance feel bad about performing. He really liked Lance, though Lance was too shy and too quiet and too damn pretty for his own good. Josh had realized a few weeks before that he thought Lance was pretty. The thought bothered him, and he had angrily dunked Joey in the swimming pool for almost ten minutes, trying to bash the thought out of his own head. Lance was just a skinny dork of a fourteen-year-old boy, and Josh should NOT be thinking he was pretty.
“Won’t you look down upon me, Jesus, you’ve got to help me make a stand…you’ve just got to see me through another day…” Josh heard a low voice singing softly. Lance was singing as he swept the floor. “My body’s aching and my time is at hand…and I won’t make it any other way.” This was the first time Josh had really heard Lance sing, and he was mesmerized. “Oh, I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain…I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend…but I always thought that I’d see you again…”
“Lance,” Josh said softly, and Lance jumped.
“Oh, hi, Josh,” Lance said, blushing as usual.
“Your voice…you’re really good.”
“Nah,” Lance said, studying the straws of his broom.
“Is that what you’re going to sing in the program?” Josh asked, sitting on a chair.
“Um, I thought we had to pick something from a show or something,” Lance said.
“No, Lance. You can sing anything you want. I totally think you should sing that,” Josh told him. “I can accompany you on the piano. I have that music in one of my books.”
“You’d do that for me?” Lance asked.
“Of course,” Josh said, shrugging. “I don’t hate you or anything, Lance.”
“At first…at the beginning, you didn’t like me much.”
“I can be a jerk sometimes,” Josh admitted, and Lance smiled. “Pretty” jumped into Josh’s head, but he shoved it away. “Well…Mr. Sands was wondering why you hadn’t picked a song, and I was just checking up on you.”
“I have one now,” Lance said, and Josh smiled.
“Good. I’ll tell him…and you and I can get together to practice sometime, okay?” Lance nodded and Josh walked out of the dining hall. Lance sighed, leaning on his broom and staring off into space.