1. a composition incorporating two objects, one light and one heavy, both anthropomorphic
I chose to make a tragic love story between a huge gourd and a cherry that flies (the film is something like a minute and a half long):
2. a full figure self portrait as sensory surface
This is a large inkjet printout of a photo of myself with acrylic and ink added later.
3. a social space observed from the view point of privacy
Sadly, I didn't have time to photograph this.
4. a sequence or series of images (at least 5) investigating resolution
These are all painted on newspaper. The cycle of a house being burnt down and then rebuilt is a metaphor for resolution (fire burning house down = war, chaos; being rebult = peace).
(The colors on this one are a lot more vibrant/less ugly in person)
5. incursion
6. design a twelve letter alphabet and assign an etymology
For this one I made a book the night before I sent out the hometest and went a little overboard. It was fun, though. I don't have any pictures.
Now... to wait.