I fell in love with Johnny Depp when I first saw Cry Baby and he's taken my breath away ever since.
She has the most perfect breasts.
The sex scene of her in the bathroom with her forbidden lover in "Unfaithful" is the hottest thing I've ever seen!
And of course I couldn't have a list without including Tori!
I know, I know, but from the first time I ever saw him it was lust at first sight!
Dr. McDreamy!
I LOVE dimples!
Okay, so I'm cheating with this one, but how am I supposed to choose just one? It's a tie!
Mmmmm...pretty AND bad ass bitch - I'm in LOVE!
An oldy but goody - of course a picture isn't as effective as a video of him speaking would be.
Of course there are so many more, but these are the ones I could think of right now.