High school basketball player LeBron James was declared ineligable for the remainder of the season for taking "gifts from a merchant. A $450 basketball jersey, and a $400 football jersey. He has packed gyms this year more than most pro teams, and he's one of the most reconizable basketball players right now. I was
to find the ohsaa's ruling. I wrote a letter to their commish...
Congratulations. Everyone knows your name. You're the guy who let jealous, stupid people take down one of the greatest Ohio basketball players ever. An 18 year old who we are all amazed to watch, and read about, has now played his last high school game, and it really angers me. I'm sure you know more about the subject than I, but I would have to say that it would be utterly impossible for him NOT to cash in on the hype that surrounds him. For his age, I would say he's done a marvelous job at taking it all in. Yes there are rules, and you say you're going to treat him like any other Ohio high school player, but thats utterly ridiculous! He is the farthest thing from the typical high school player! There are a lot of people who are cashing in on all the money being brought in by LeBron, and if he gets a couple of jerseys out of the whole thing, who cares??
In five years it won't matter. He'll be in a league of his own when it comes to his basketball skills, and no one will remember your name. Just remember that you're doing an injustice to the entire basketball community by taking away LeBron's right to do what he does best. Play basketball. Congratulations, you took a piece of Ohio basketball that we'll never get back.
Nathan Lindsay
Basketball Fan
I doubt it'll do any good, but I just believe they would do something like this. oh well.