why why why why me?? why?? i'm so pissed at kirk right now and the time i wasted on him. he's got a new girlfriend now. fine, that's great. i really don't care about that. what i do care about is how fucking fast he moved considering the shit i had to go through just to get him to call me his fucking girlfriend. oh, 6 nights out of the 7 of a week at my house isn't enough to consider me permanent? whatever. oh, we have to wait 6 months to have sex, even though i've been tested and am on birth control, jsut because you aren't ready? alright. sex is the most important part of a relationship and having it twice a week isn't enough? fine. then why the fuck did you meet her and call her your fucking girlfriend after 2 fucking days of knowing her? then not fucking her because "sex doesn't define a relationship" but a week later it's the best sex you've ever had? oh i've hear that one before fucking dickwad! how dare you fucking do all that shit to me and then whambamthankyoumaam here you are in a fucking serious relationship (by your account) with a fucking 30 year old you've known for 2 weeks? WHAT THE FUCK?? i hate you! i ahte your fucking guts and i would love nothing more than for her to take you for a ride and leave you on the wayside. come over so i can beat your fucking face into the ground. asshole.
so war of the worlds sucked. i know you all loved it, but the story line was fucking shit. "it's how the sotry was written!" well, too bad the fucking story doesn't work for a goddamn feature legth film. sorry, it sucked. direction, great. stephen spielburg rocks. cinematography, equally awesome. acting, surprisingly satisfying. everything else: shit. a waste of 2 hours. and don't show up at 645 to a bluckbuster movie that starts at 7 and expect great seats. jsut don't. good luck geting any seats. oh, you have online tickets? get here 45 minutes early like the fucking thing tells you. for crying out loud.
i'm getting better hours at work and i ight actually start cross training. apparently, the managers forgot that i wanted to train on stuff. we'll see if they remember this time. at least julie wrote it down.
i'm lonely. i really am.
ashley, i hope you got my messages. i thought about you on your birthday. i hope it was really great for you.
hp6 in two and a half weeks. anyone else excited?
have you heard about undead? it's an australian zombie/aliens movie. it was released in australia over a year ago and i had the great opportunity to watch it then and this past weekend. it's really funny and a great flick. catch it if you get a chance.
this is a horribly moddy post. too bad. i still love you.
"it seems so out of context in this gaudy apartment complex. a stranger with a door key explaining that i am just visiting. and i am finally seeing that i was the one worth leaving. i was the one worth leaving.