[Character Name] Glen Baskerville
[Canon] Pandora Hearts
[Point Taken from Canon] Before Canon began. :| So right after Jack did that spell shindig thing.
[Age] N/A. N/A!! Probably older then your grandma though, but you'd never know by looking at him.
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero, unless his bff converts him somehow, but Glen won't go willingly. >:O (he could also be considered Lacie-Sexual)
[Eye Color] Because this unknown? We're going to say they're similar in color to Alice's. For those who don't know what eye color Alice has? They're a kind of red-purple.
[Hair Color] Dark brown/black/something along those lines
[Height] Somewhere around 6'0"? I can't remember if this was ever actually revealed in Canon. :c
[Other] Glen is a very natural looking man if a bit on the side of beautiful. If nothing else worth noting, his eyes are a distinct shade, resembling that of the Alice from his canon.
[Clothing] High-collared shirts, a cravat (both a white), and everything else he wears is a sort of black/dark red. This includeds a vest, an elagant coat (trimmed with a gold colored cord), and he had a cloak folded up on one shoulder which is the trademark bloody read for the Baskervilles.
[Background] A man with what was a pleasant past of romance, glory, nobility and friends. Not to say it was a very easy life. His single love interest passed long before the canon's story even began. In fact, his history is slowly being pieced together in the canon slowly but surely. One thing that was made apparent near the beginning of the tale was that he had trapped a child, a young lady in a tower for many years with no reason as to why. She bears a resemblance to his love interest however nothing has yet to be confirmed on this portion of his tale. What has been confirmed, is that Glen is really a body snatcher, finding an appropriate host once he has grown tired of the one he is presently making of use. However when he had at last found a suitor and became intent on making the body his own, everything went awry. The protective younger brother of his chosen body, opened the gates to Abyss (a world ruled which existence has yet to really been clarified as anything thing but dark and macabre) sending everything into chaos. To make sure he could still achieve his own goal, he sent orders for everyone within Sabrie (the place within his ruling) to be killed. Eventually he to had to confront his best friend and apparently fight to the better end.
However, it was documented that Glen had been killed by his cherished friend but as his friend later documents, Glen never died. He has been revealled to have been preceived, seal, limb by limb, piece by piece in locations unknown.
[Personality] Glen is about as silent and mysterious as one can get, seeking nothing of anyone unless he is able to see the benefit in doing so. Making friends with the broody man is never an easy task as he as quick to send one off without so much as a word or reason why. Truly the type to prefer solitude over company at any time of day, but at times he will endure if simply to have them leave him alone in the future.
When alone, Glen is more then likely to reflect on the past or focus on plans for the future. Despite having spent what is likely decades upon decades alive, he never really focuses upon the present. He is always distant, always looking towards something else.
On the very rare occasion, when he was in the prescence of his lost love or his best friend, he could actually lighten up, smile and be more in the present. It was those moments where Glen could actually be considered truely alive. A pessimist to the core, it all crashes and burns eventually.
[Specialties/Abilities] Like the majority of the Pandora cast, Glen has the ability to summon a chain, which is more or less a magical creature of some kind, usually related to 'Alice's Adventures In Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass' by Lewis Caroll. To keep this theme going strong, Glen wields the Vorpal Blade (which he will not have on him here) as well as the ability to summon the Jabberwock (which he also will be unable to do, basically rendering him useless).
Aside from this, he is a body snatcher, as mentioned above. This is likely to not come into play at this community however. Glen also does have lessons in fighting, mostly with a sword but he can adjust otherwise if needed.
[Affection] None. He will have no recieving of affection. He gets enough of it from Jack and with Jack here, there is nothing needed to fill that void. So please, please don't touch Glen if you favor your life.
[Fighting] Oh, fights and such are very much welcome as Glen has a strange taste for them himself. He's very aggressive if one finds him on the wrong subject (Such as ie. Lacie, Gilbert's body, the twins).
[Other Facts] We'll keep a running list of character relationships running down here, but first, like most (or what I assume would be most) dreamberries, Glen's looks like a blackberry.
Vincent □ Sulking Coward
Elliot □ Loud and Rude
Hermoine □ ...
Rita □ Dragongirl