People make me angry. At school, more and more I'm realizing how FUCKING STUPID people are. And its not just stupid, because stupid is usually someones stuck with. Luckily I was born with good brain capacity. But so many people are just so IGNORANT that it really pisses me off. I think world issues and politics should be taught from a very young age. Most of the people that vote are totaly ignorant to who/what their voting for. (I'm not talking about the presidential election specifically, but that too) And I'm not even talking about those people who go out and vote republican. Im talking both republicans and democrats, half of the people voting dont know what the hell their voting for, on either side, right or left.
And then theres just plain stupid. Im not sure which one pisses me off more. Stupid is a result of a fairly poor education system. And ignorance is a result of many things. Corporate media, kids who base their political and other beliefs just by what their parents think, parents who try to make their children belief what they believe, and dont encourage any different thought, and those annoying ass super conservative christians, who think that anyone that doesnt believe in their god and in their beliefs will go to hell, which is most of the people who run this world.