Part I
Ok, so at about 9, I left for Blues Brothers practice. I get home at 10, call Max's cell, and meet him and Holden down at the highschool. We had to go home, because my dad was being a douche. So we get home and sit around for a while. At abuot 12:30ish we sneak out, meet Holden again, and go into S-17, one of the Creative Foods rooms. We hung out in there while waiting for Chris to call, vandalized some small random stuff (put soap in some shoes, made a small hole in the wall, ect.) and then just hung out. After a while, Max says "shit, a truck just drove by". So we freaked out, and headed for the door. We peek our heads out, and a cop car is comming straight at us. We book it and run as fast as we can towards the baseballs fields, and then turn and go behind the science buildings (its a good thing we know the school better then the cops, because I dont think he/she knew that there was a way back there) and then ran through kind of the main courtyard place. We went kind of by Gracies house, ran around through some alleys and stuff. I dont really remember exactly the route we took, or any order of where we went. But it consisted of going through some alleys, hiding in someones front yard behind a bush (nearly pissing our pants), going down suicide hill, by like 3 churches, and through some scarey ass alley that was pitch black. We went across Division (I think) and through the lawn of the District Administration Building. While we were going through there a cop drives by, so we run our asses of and go through Johns yard and to Holdens house.
Part II
We stayed at Holdens house till about 2:20. We hung out in his room, hoping our adreniline would stop, called Chris to tell him not to come up, and to change our shirts with some of Holdens stuff. We leave through the front door of Holdens house, and walk not even a block, and a cop drives right by us. "Fuck". So we keep walking, hoping it doesn't turn around (what the hell were we thinking? of course it did). We knew we were fucked, so we didnt try to run. We just stood there by the cop car saying stuff like "Im guessing she wants us to stay here" to try to make it look like we didnt know we were in trouble. She gets out, points her flashlight at us, and looks at our shoes (???). She asked us why our shoes were wet, and we told her it was because we were out in our friends backyard in tall grass. She also asked us why we were dirty so we told her we were messing around in the backyard. Then, the scariest part. She asked us if we had been drinking. Me and Max had some whiskey while we were at my house before we sneaked out. I got a litle buzzed from it, but Max didnt have enough for it to do much. I was so fucking scared. When she said that I started thinking that if she gave us breathilizers that we definately wouldn't pass, and I was also worried it might have been on my breath enough for her to smell it. We told her we hadnt had anything, and she didn't do anything to check (If there was a god, this is where I would have thanked him/her). She asked us if our parents knew where we were. We said yes, and then she said "So, if I were to call your parents and ask them if they knew where you were, they would say yes" "......... ok, honestly, no" So she got our names and my phone number, and put us in the back seat (Ill always remember my first time in the backseat of a cop car. It was pretty weird/scarey) She called my parents. They didn't pick up in time, thank not-god. She drove us back to my house, and let us out. The last thing she said was "Good luck sneaking back in". She was a cool cop. We walked into my house and we knew we were fucked. My parents were up. They said like where have you been and all that, we said we were at Haggens. They said "By the way, someone just tried to call (the cop)" "Oh.. It was probably Chris"
We didn't get in any trouble with the Law. I got grounded for a week or 2 (but who cares, my dads not gonna be here for most of it). And theyre not gonna tell Max's parents most likely.
EDIT: Im not in ANY trouble anymore. My dad told me today "You came this close to being grounded for a week". So we all got out totaly free.
God damn... Were lucky.