Dirty Dozen

Sep 17, 2005 17:51

The art fair today was noy what I thought it was gonna be. Instead of displaying paintings and stuff like I thought, it was really a place to buy any kinda art you could think of. Plus it had a lot of cool other things for sale too, kinda like a flea market or something..but WAY BETTER STUFFAGE! I bought half of Chelle's and Manda's birthday ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

hey alisa_weirdo September 28 2005, 20:37:03 UTC
hey girl i just made a live journal i will be adding to it probly today i also have a myspace my name there is weirdofreakface and i have a xanga acount my name there is weirdofreakface and if you have yahoo im my name is alisa_ schumaker or if you have msn my screen name is weirdofreakface2 so if you have any of those i am on those more then i ma on aim so get on those and add me. Love you lots and miss you sooo email me or something my email is weirdofreakface2@yahoo.com k?????


Re: hey bass_monkey September 29 2005, 03:31:06 UTC
I have MSN and a yahoo account but I'm never on yahoo. I am always on MSN though and my sn is "Are we the last living souls?" or if that doesn't work my email is monkey6388@earthlink.net and also Darkelf070@aol.com. I love ya too!!! Why did juu have ta move!?!?! ::kills evil Ohio::


Re: hey alisa_weirdo September 29 2005, 11:34:14 UTC
hey you add me cuss your name will not regaster


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