Attack of the Quiz!!!

Apr 13, 2008 17:35

So, I got bored. The first one is stolen from Taquito, and the rest just sort of happened : P

After you die...

After death, you will exist in heaven. Everything and everyone you love will constantly surround you for all of eternity. You lucky scoundrel.

Take this quiz at

You fit in with:

60% spiritual.
80% reason-oriented.

Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.

Take This Quiz at

Night Elf Druid

Night Elves are the sexiest of the bunch. They're the hot flower children of Warcraft: at one with nature, and dancing all the while.

As a druid, you tend to be relaxed and accepting - though if there is something you don't want to do, then you won't do it - simple as that. You're an easygoing and versatile person.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at

^Hahah to that! I like druids, they're badasses, but I love my Draenei Shaman much more!

's Past Lives


1312 BC: Roman politician

426 AD: A foul mouthed sailor

1963 AD: A composer

'What were you in your past lives?' at

^That one was really lame to do, but it made me giggle!

Heather's Random Movie Quote:

'This is the part where you run away.'

- Shrek

Take this quiz at

Heather revolutionized the world by taking down google.
... afterward, Heather woke up beside a horse.
'How will you be remembered in history books?' at

Your walk is:
Sort of like Kickboxing

Take this quiz at


Friends and FamilyD
Finance / CareerB
Your Life's Average Grade: B
'What is your Life Grade?' at


Kindness is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. You want someone who will go through everything with you - the best moments and the worst, and all of those other moments in between. You love to be able to say anything to your partner, and have them say anything to you. You are able to be extremely close with your partner for that reason.

Take this quiz at

Your hidden talent is psychic

You are able to foresee certain things, and prevent bad things from happening to yourself. It could just be a lot of common sense, but it’s probably something a little more.

Take this quiz at

^Heh, I wish!

Heather Pills:

Will cause an instant boost in original Nintendo play

'What effect do you have on people?' at


^Hahahahahahahah, no.

Heather's lame-ass excuse to break up:

"I sense an impending doom between us - oh and by the way I want to break up"

'What is your lame-ass excuse to break up?' at

^If only I was that witty in a situation of that nature!

You most resemble Marlon Brando

You are very smart, and very talented, although you don’t really enjoy social company. You prefer to live alone, go to movies alone, cry alone in the corner...

Take this quiz at

^I guess?

You will be famous for writing a national bestseller

You are very observant and tend to be the wallflower at parties. You are intuitive and know just how to communicate everything that you are feeling to those around you.

Take this quiz at


I did a crapton more of these, but I think I'm done posting them for now : D
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