First sentence of the first
of every month.
(7th) Today was the day that Heather ran around town like a mad woman. It was rather eventful to say the least.
(16th) I really want it to be summer.
(4th) Oh spring break...
(1st, 2:01am) I for one am hoping that in a few short hours NMU will announce that the weather is too shitty to hold morning classes.
(5:56am, because it's fun) NMU is closed for Tuesday April 1st, due to inclement weather.
(12th) I'm still internet-less, so I'm on campus.
(1st) Tomorrow evening I once again set out for Menominee for the summer.
(4th) Today was supposed to be a good day, a fun day.
(20th) Ho-boy.
(1st) I always have trouble figuring out where to begin.
(14th) A lot has gone on since I last wrote.
(11th) I'm pretty much a complete ass.
(4th) I love how that the combination of stress, dry skin, and some unknown reaction has caused my back to go crazy with some sort of rash/hives.
It's been a year of struggle and pessimism. Come ooooon 2009, be better than this!
In other news, it's my kid sister's sweet 16 today. Time has certainly flown.
Saz had only been 80 for less than 24hours, and she was already in her first run of Naxx. That's right, she broke her Emblem of Heroism cherry in Naxx, on the "spider" boss. Pretty pumped that we got 2 of the 15 bosses down. May not seem like much, but for a group that has never run it? Damn impressive. Hot damn I've missed running 10 mans...
I have two exams tomorrow. Alg and Anthro. Way to kill me.
I'm still fucking locked out of my account. Thank you NMU for making it impossible for me to recover my account on my own. Will be seeking help tomorrow, if not the day after.
Attempting to apply for a one-on-one job at Norlite. This job could prove interesting, given my lack of wanting to be social personality. I could very well get the job...if I manage to make the million and one appointments required to get this job. I understand the background check, and *possibly* even the physical (I'll pee in a cup, no big, but I won't be lifting/moving residents...soooo), but to go in and get printed? That one's a bit bizzare, but I guess if it will get me the minimum wage job in the place with a horrible turn over rate...meh. Could be worse. Could be fast food -_-
There's many things that I want to do, I just don't know where to begin yet.
Dammit, more MSN spam. By MSN spam I mean MSN messenger. It's been horrendous tonight.
I need to sleep. Maybe tonight I won't have a panic/terror dream. That shit's been off-the-walls bizarre lately. First a speeding minivan being launched off a hill in the country side (with me in it, no seat belt...and did I mention it had no roof?), flooding toilets/showers (reoccurring one, haven't figured out what it means yet), and having a volcano explode on our (my mom, sister and I) island home, forcing us to flee from our house (which was a replica of our old Lincoln Ave townhouse/apartment thing), jumping in the van, which was hydro-plaining on the roads (with no smoke/lava in sight), which we barely recovered from, only to turn the corner and BAM, there's a huge stream of gleaming, smoking lava to the right of the road. We made it to the ferry safely though, but forgot our two kitties and all of our possessions at home : ( There was another one in between the nights of me having the flying mini van dream and the flooding dream, but I'd rather not recall it *is grossed out.* Soooo yeah. I don't know what gives, and why I'm having off the wall dreams, but there they are. They're inconsistent with content though, so they're eluding me as to what their meaning be.
Okay, I'm babbling now. Passing out, kthnx.