theres been so much going on i havent had the energy to update. i am so friggin tired. i dont know whats sapping my strength lately...but whatever it is, its kicking my ass. but i feel better emotionally. thankfully, i heal fast. michelle says its 'cause i'm shallow. kraig says its 'cause i'm numb. i think its just denial. meh. we'll see i suppose.
good news!
I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD BISHES! yeah thats right! my mom calls me right, hey i got this condo in orlando from aug 2nd till the 7th, you want it? FUCK YEAH I WANT IT! it just so happens that the warped tour is in orlando on the 6th. so that works out fan-friggin-tastic. but then...hey. why not go to disney world too? oh yeah. watch out giant disney world mascots! i'm coming to knock you over then laugh in your face cuz you cant get up hahahahahahhahaaha.