Reply to this post and I will post a picture of someone that reminds me of you - it might be a fictional character, celebrity or historical figure or someone else. Then repost this in your own LJ so you can do your own friends :)
lol i got Tigger!!! thanks Sophie teh Lovely
well Whangarei is just how i remember it. its funny how you can leave somewhere and come back and its still the same.. its like an old pair of shoes, you put them away because u get a better pair and one day you find them and remember all the things about them you loved.. but you also see the bits that u didnt like and notice the bits that have begun to fade or break. you try them on and remember how comfortable they really were but now your whole wardrobe has changed and they dont look as good as they once did.
coming back here has been kinda like that - i remember bits i loved the trouble i used to get myself into yet i also look arround and realise how i will never fit in up here again. i have changed and evolved way too much (for the wow players amongst you.. i have respeced lolz) i used to be such a different person up here.
ok so yes i have enjoyed watching the people walk into things. its funny because people up here dont see many goths really (there arent even emo's up here really, so shocking.) but anyway yeah people walking into things, it happens for two reasons.. one they dont usually get the likes of me up here (vain much?) and also because they also recognise me a little.. hehe either way much giggling from me ensues. (does wonders for my mood really)
either way as i was saying i now know in my heart of hearts that i will never be able to live up here.. its weird but Whangarei has been home for me for so many years now. every time i run away from my life its up here i run to. yet now i dont fit. i get the looks i crave but i know i cant handle getting them full time. this is who i have become and this is who i want to stay as.
meh wow i get gushy at times....
todays post has been brought to you by the letter.... "Joint"